Punk Rocker’s Unhinged Rampage Through Yosemite Leads to Arrest in Underwear

Punk Rocker's Unhinged Rampage Through Yosemite Leads to Arrest in Underwear
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Punk Rocker’s Rampage of Terror

The singer of the hard core punk band Can­cer Christ, Antho­ny Mehlhaff, 40, was arrest­ed in his under­wear after “ter­ror­iz­ing” park­go­ers dur­ing a ram­page through Yosemite Nation­al Park.

His chaot­ic crime spree includ­ed an assault, attempt­ed kid­nap­ping, and a rob­bery before he led police on a wild car chase.

Bizarre and Erratic Behavior

Mehlhaf­f’s trail of destruc­tion began when he alleged­ly assault­ed a preg­nant serv­er, stole drinks, and then assault­ed anoth­er restau­rant employ­ee before dri­ving towards Yosemite. Once in the park, he crashed his vehi­cle, stole a bicy­cle, ripped off his shirt, and entered the Tenaya Lodge kitchen where he threat­ened work­ers with a knife.

Causing Chaos and Damage

Mehlhaff then stripped down to just his under­wear and entered the Tenaya Lodge Club­house, telling cus­tomers to leave because they were in danger. 

He then began van­dal­iz­ing the club­house before steal­ing a vic­tim’s car and lead­ing police on a high-speed chase that end­ed in a crash.

Arrest and Charges

Mehlhaff was even­tu­al­ly arrest­ed and booked into the Mari­posa Coun­ty Jail on $100,000 bail. He faces a long list of charges includ­ing van­dal­ism, vehi­cle theft, reck­less dri­ving, kid­nap­ping, theft, bur­glary, rob­bery, and bat­tery on officers.

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