Queens Shooting: NYPD Officers Wounded by Migrant Suspect

Queens Shooting: NYPD Officers Wounded by Migrant Suspect
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Queens Migrant Shoot­ing Injures Two NYPD Officers

A 19-year-old Venezue­lan migrant, Bernar­do Raul Cas­tro Mata, is sus­pect­ed of shoot­ing two NYPD offi­cers ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing in Elmhurst, Queens.

Traf­fic Stop Turns Violent

Around 1:40 AM, offi­cers attempt­ed to pull over Mata for dri­ving a motor­ized scoot­er the wrong way. He alleged­ly fled on foot, then opened fire dur­ing the pur­suit, strik­ing one offi­cer in the leg and anoth­er in the bul­let­proof vest. An offi­cer returned fire, injur­ing Mata in the ankle.

Offi­cers Sta­ble, Sus­pect Investigated

Both offi­cers are in sta­ble con­di­tion at Elmhurst Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. May­or Adams com­mend­ed their actions, high­light­ing the bul­let­proof vest that saved one officer.

Mata, with no pri­or NYC crim­i­nal his­to­ry, is a sus­pect in Queens rob­beries. He report­ed­ly entered the U.S. last year via Eagle Pass, Texas, and resided near LaGuardia Air­port in a migrant shelter.

Inves­ti­ga­tion & Concerns

The NYPD and local author­i­ties are active­ly inves­ti­gat­ing the shoot­ing. This inci­dent adds to con­cerns about vio­lence involv­ing migrants in New York City, fac­ing an influx of asy­lum seekers.

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