Queens Migrant ShootÂing Injures Two NYPD Officers
A 19-year-old VenezueÂlan migrant, BernarÂdo Raul CasÂtro Mata, is susÂpectÂed of shootÂing two NYPD offiÂcers earÂly MonÂday mornÂing in Elmhurst, Queens.
TrafÂfic Stop Turns Violent
Around 1:40 AM, offiÂcers attemptÂed to pull over Mata for driÂving a motorÂized scootÂer the wrong way. He allegedÂly fled on foot, then opened fire durÂing the purÂsuit, strikÂing one offiÂcer in the leg and anothÂer in the bulÂletÂproof vest. An offiÂcer returned fire, injurÂing Mata in the ankle.
OffiÂcers StaÂble, SusÂpect Investigated
Both offiÂcers are in staÂble conÂdiÂtion at Elmhurst GenÂerÂal HosÂpiÂtal. MayÂor Adams comÂmendÂed their actions, highÂlightÂing the bulÂletÂproof vest that saved one officer.
Mata, with no priÂor NYC crimÂiÂnal hisÂtoÂry, is a susÂpect in Queens robÂberies. He reportÂedÂly entered the U.S. last year via Eagle Pass, Texas, and resided near LaGuardia AirÂport in a migrant shelter.
InvesÂtiÂgaÂtion & Concerns
The NYPD and local authorÂiÂties are activeÂly invesÂtiÂgatÂing the shootÂing. This inciÂdent adds to conÂcerns about vioÂlence involvÂing migrants in New York City, facÂing an influx of asyÂlum seekers.
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