Redstone Family Feud: Estranged Niece to Cash In $140M from Paramount Sale

Redstone Family Feud: Estranged Niece to Cash In $140M from Paramount Sale
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Paramount Sale Payout

Keryn Red­stone, the estranged niece of Para­mount Glob­al over­lord Shari Red­stone, stands to make a stag­ger­ing $140 mil­lion from the upcom­ing sale of Para­mount to Sky­dance Media. 

This mas­sive pay­out is a final gift from her late grand­fa­ther, media titan Sum­n­er Red­stone, as part of a trust he set up for his five grandchildren.

Tumultuous Family History

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The Red­stone clan’s well-doc­u­ment­ed dys­func­tion has inspired the hit HBO series “Suc­ces­sion,” with the lat­est chap­ter involv­ing a fierce feud between Shari and her niece Keryn. 

The rival­ry stemmed from Keryn’s close rela­tion­ship with Sum­n­er and her sup­port for his long­time com­pan­ion, Manuela Herz­er, dur­ing a legal bat­tle over the media mogul’s estate.

Keryn’s Estrangement and Redemption

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Keryn, 42, has faced her own chal­lenges despite her priv­i­leged upbring­ing, includ­ing being effec­tive­ly “iso­lat­ed and kid­napped” by Shari and her chil­dren, accord­ing to Keryn’s past allegations. 

How­ev­er, the impend­ing Para­mount sale may serve as a chance for rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, as Keryn acknowl­edges her respon­si­bil­i­ty in the fam­i­ly’s conflicts.

Sumner Redstone’s Legacy

The mer­cu­r­ial media titan Sum­n­er Red­stone, affec­tion­ate­ly known as “Grumpy,” built his empire through a series of bold takeovers and shrewd investments.

His intri­cate estate plan­ning, includ­ing the trust ben­e­fit­ing his grand­chil­dren, has now result­ed in a sub­stan­tial wind­fall for Keryn, a final act of gen­eros­i­ty from the patriarch.

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