Former Volusia County Deputy Drowns in North Carolina Flood
A retired VoluÂsia CounÂty sherÂifÂfâs deputy, Jim Lau, tragÂiÂcalÂly lost his life in the devÂasÂtatÂing floods caused by HurÂriÂcane Helene in North Carolina.
Lau, 75, was rememÂbered by his forÂmer colÂleagues and friends as a dedÂiÂcatÂed lawÂman and a kind-heartÂed individual.
Search for Missing Deputy Ends in Tragedy
On FriÂday, NovemÂber 9, 2023, a 911 call alertÂed authorÂiÂties to a truck subÂmerged in a rivÂer. WitÂnessÂes reportÂed seeÂing someÂone inside the vehiÂcle before it went under.
A search was launched, but darkÂness forced resÂcuers to susÂpend operÂaÂtions. The search resumed the folÂlowÂing day, and sadÂly, Lauâs body was recovered.
Lau Remembered as a Dedicated and Respected Deputy
The VoluÂsia CounÂty SherÂifÂfâs Office expressed deep sorÂrow over Lauâs passÂing. They described him as a hard-workÂing, dependÂable deputy who was always willÂing to lend a helpÂing hand.
Lauâs absence will undoubtÂedÂly be felt by his colÂleagues and the comÂmuÂniÂty he served.
Former Sheriff Praises Lauâs Contributions
ForÂmer VoluÂsia CounÂty SherÂiff Ben JohnÂson praised Lauâs dedÂiÂcaÂtion and conÂtriÂbuÂtions to the departÂment. JohnÂson recalled Lauâs experÂtise in crime scene invesÂtiÂgaÂtion and his instruÂmenÂtal role in develÂopÂing the departÂmenÂtâs crime scene trainÂing program.
JohnÂson also highÂlightÂed Lauâs skills in comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions, emphaÂsizÂing his abilÂiÂty to excel in varÂiÂous roles.
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