In a starÂtling inciÂdent at BreÂmerÂton MariÂna, KitÂsap CounÂty, WashÂingÂton, a rivÂer otter attacked and dragged a child underwater.
The WashÂingÂton DepartÂment of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) reportÂed that the event occurred on SepÂtemÂber 12 at approxÂiÂmateÂly 9:30 a.m., sendÂing shockÂwaves through the local comÂmuÂniÂty and raisÂing conÂcerns about wildlife interactions.
The Attack: A Motherâs Quick Action Saves Child
The vicÂtimâs mothÂer recountÂed the terÂriÂfyÂing moment when a rivÂer otter sudÂdenÂly pulled her young child into the water from the mariÂna dock.
The otter briefly subÂmerged the child before the quick-thinkÂing mothÂer manÂaged to resÂcue her offÂspring. DurÂing the resÂcue, the aggresÂsive otter conÂtinÂued its assault, bitÂing the mothÂerâs arm and purÂsuÂing the famÂiÂly as they fled the scene.
The child susÂtained scratchÂes and bites on their head, face, and legs, while the mothÂer sufÂfered arm injuries. Both received treatÂment at a hosÂpiÂtal in SilÂverdale, WashÂingÂton. WDFW Sergeant Ken BalÂazs praised the mothÂerâs swift response and the childâs resilience in the face of danger.
River Otter Behavior and Safety Precautions
RivÂer otters, despite their cute appearÂance, are wild aniÂmals with powÂerÂful bites and strong teeth. The U.S. DepartÂment of the InteÂriÂor advisÂes mainÂtainÂing a disÂtance of at least 60 feet from otters, whether on land or in water.
While otter attacks on humans are rare, the WDFW has docÂuÂmentÂed six human-rivÂer otter inciÂdents in WashÂingÂton over the past decade.
Recent Otter Attacks in the United States
The WashÂingÂton inciÂdent is not isoÂlatÂed. CalÂiÂforÂnia has seen a surge in otter attacks in 2023:
- âSucÂcesÂsionâ actor CrysÂtal Finn was bitÂten by otters while swimÂming in a CalÂiÂforÂnia rivÂer in July 2023.
- Matt LefÂfers sufÂfered severe leg injuries after an otter attack in a CalÂiÂforÂnia lake in SepÂtemÂber 2023.
These inciÂdents highÂlight the imporÂtance of wildlife awareÂness and safeÂty preÂcauÂtions when enjoyÂing outÂdoor activities.
WDFW Response and Ongoing Investigation
FolÂlowÂing the BreÂmerÂton MariÂna attack, authorÂiÂties trapped one rivÂer otter at the scene. The aniÂmal was sent to the WashÂingÂton AniÂmal DisÂease DiagÂnosÂtic Lab for rabies testing.
The WDFW conÂtinÂues to monÂiÂtor the sitÂuÂaÂtion and emphaÂsizes the imporÂtance of respectÂing wildlife and mainÂtainÂing safe distances.
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