On August 15, 2024, a RussÂian court senÂtenced RussÂian-AmerÂiÂcan balÂleÂriÂna KseÂnia KareÂliÂna to 12 years in prison for treason.
The Los AngeÂles resÂiÂdent was found guilty of transÂferÂring funds to a UkrainÂian orgaÂniÂzaÂtion that was used to purÂchase milÂiÂtary equipÂment and supÂplies for the UkrainÂian armed forces.
Donation to Humanitarian Charity Leads to Treason Conviction
KareÂliÂna, who emiÂgratÂed to the UnitÂed States in 2012 and became a U.S. citÂiÂzen in 2021, pleadÂed guilty at her closed-door triÂal in the city of Yekaterinburg.
Her supÂportÂers say she had donatÂed $51.80 to Razom for Ukraine, a New York-based charÂiÂty that proÂvides humanÂiÂtarÂiÂan aid to chilÂdren and the elderÂly in Ukraine.
HowÂevÂer, the RussÂian court claimed the funds were used to purÂchase âtacÂtiÂcal medÂiÂcine items, equipÂment, means of defeat and ammuÂniÂtionâ for the UkrainÂian military.
Ballerina Sentenced Despite Prisoner Swap Between Russia and the West
KareÂliÂna was not includÂed in a major prisÂonÂer swap between RusÂsia and the West last week that freed Wall Street JourÂnal reporter Evan GerÂshkovich, who was conÂvictÂed of espionage.
HowÂevÂer, her lawyer has statÂed that she hopes to be includÂed in a future exchange.
The 33-year-old balÂleÂriÂna appeared in court on the day of her senÂtencÂing, sitÂting calmÂly in a glass courtÂroom cage while wearÂing a white sweatÂshirt and blue jeans.
Her case was heard by the same court that conÂvictÂed GerÂshkovich, reflectÂing the harsh crackÂdown on perÂceived disÂsent and supÂport for Ukraine by Russia.
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