Lawsuit Alleges Negligence by American Airlines
Shana Wall, a 51-year-old actress and modÂel, has filed a lawÂsuit against AmerÂiÂcan AirÂlines in the ManÂhatÂtan Supreme Court, claimÂing she was seriÂousÂly injured after swalÂlowÂing shards of plasÂtic that were in a bevÂerÂage served to her on a flight from New York to Rome on May 1.
AccordÂing to the lawÂsuit, the plasÂtic shards allegedÂly injured WalÂlâs throat, esophÂaÂgus, vocal chords, and digesÂtive sysÂtem, leavÂing her conÂfined to bed and unable to work folÂlowÂing the inciÂdent. Wall is seekÂing unspecÂiÂfied damÂages for the alleged negÂliÂgence of the airline.
Former âAmazing Raceâ Contestant and Seacrestâs Ex-Girlfriend
Wall, a CalÂiÂforÂnia native who now lives in New Yorkâs MeatÂpackÂing DisÂtrict, is a forÂmer conÂtesÂtant on the realÂiÂty TV show âThe AmazÂing Race.â She also datÂed teleÂviÂsion host and proÂducÂer Ryan Seacrest in the earÂly 2000s.
In addiÂtion to her realÂiÂty TV appearÂances, Wall has made guest appearÂances on shows like âMarÂried⊠with ChilÂdrenâ and âEntourage.â She is curÂrentÂly workÂing as a somÂmeÂliÂer and conÂtribÂuÂtor to the menâs magÂaÂzine Best Life, sharÂing her world travÂels and offerÂing priÂvate wine tastÂings and classes.
Pattern of Contaminated In-Flight Beverages
The inciÂdent with Wall is the latÂest in a series of reports of pasÂsenÂgers findÂing forÂeign objects in their in-flight beverages.
In June, a pasÂsenÂger on an Air India flight reportÂed findÂing a blade-like piece of metÂal inside a sweet potaÂto, while last year, a travÂelÂer on a KoreÂan Air flight allegedÂly found a piece of glass in her mouth while drinkÂing coffee.
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