Ryan Seacrest’s Ex-Girlfriend Shana Wall Sues American Airlines Over Plastic in Drink

Ryan Seacrest's Ex-Girlfriend Shana Wall Sues American Airlines Over Plastic in Drink
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Lawsuit Alleges Negligence by American Airlines

Shana Wall, a 51-year-old actress and mod­el, has filed a law­suit against Amer­i­can Air­lines in the Man­hat­tan Supreme Court, claim­ing she was seri­ous­ly injured after swal­low­ing shards of plas­tic that were in a bev­er­age served to her on a flight from New York to Rome on May 1.

Accord­ing to the law­suit, the plas­tic shards alleged­ly injured Wal­l’s throat, esoph­a­gus, vocal chords, and diges­tive sys­tem, leav­ing her con­fined to bed and unable to work fol­low­ing the inci­dent. Wall is seek­ing unspec­i­fied dam­ages for the alleged neg­li­gence of the airline.

Former “Amazing Race” Contestant and Seacrest’s Ex-Girlfriend

Wall, a Cal­i­for­nia native who now lives in New York’s Meat­pack­ing Dis­trict, is a for­mer con­tes­tant on the real­i­ty TV show “The Amaz­ing Race.” She also dat­ed tele­vi­sion host and pro­duc­er Ryan Seacrest in the ear­ly 2000s.

In addi­tion to her real­i­ty TV appear­ances, Wall has made guest appear­ances on shows like “Mar­ried
 with Chil­dren” and “Entourage.” She is cur­rent­ly work­ing as a som­me­li­er and con­trib­u­tor to the men’s mag­a­zine Best Life, shar­ing her world trav­els and offer­ing pri­vate wine tast­ings and classes.

Pattern of Contaminated In-Flight Beverages

The inci­dent with Wall is the lat­est in a series of reports of pas­sen­gers find­ing for­eign objects in their in-flight beverages. 

In June, a pas­sen­ger on an Air India flight report­ed find­ing a blade-like piece of met­al inside a sweet pota­to, while last year, a trav­el­er on a Kore­an Air flight alleged­ly found a piece of glass in her mouth while drink­ing coffee.

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