School Crossing Guard Arrested for Distributing Drugs to Middle Schoolers in Pennsylvania

School Crossing Guard Arrested for Distributing Drugs to Middle Schoolers in Pennsylvania
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A shock­ing inci­dent of betray­al has unfold­ed in Dar­by, Penn­syl­va­nia, where a 26-year-old cross­ing guard, Kiara Lee, was arrest­ed for sup­ply­ing drugs to mid­dle school students. 

Lee, employed at Penn Wood Mid­dle School, alleged­ly dis­trib­uted mar­i­jua­na, edi­bles, and vap­ing prod­ucts to at least two students.

The arrest came after a stu­dent brave­ly report­ed wit­ness­ing Lee’s actions. Addi­tion­al­ly, a guardian con­firmed their child had received vapes and mar­i­jua­na edi­bles from Lee.

“This trust­ed indi­vid­ual hand­ed out con­trolled sub­stances,” stat­ed Dar­by Bor­ough Police Chief Joseph Gabe. “There’s no debate – cross­ing guards should­n’t pro­vide drugs to our chil­dren, regard­less of the type.”

Lee faces seri­ous charges, includ­ing felony drug dis­tri­b­u­tion and mis­de­meanor cor­rup­tion of minors. Delaware Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney Jack Stoll­steimer con­demned Lee’s actions, high­light­ing the breach of trust and harm to the community.

Lee is cur­rent­ly jailed with a $20,000 bail and awaits a pre­lim­i­nary hear­ing. This inci­dent under­scores the impor­tance of thor­ough vet­ting for any­one work­ing with minors and con­stant vig­i­lance for the safe­ty of our children.

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