A shockÂing inciÂdent of betrayÂal has unfoldÂed in DarÂby, PennÂsylÂvaÂnia, where a 26-year-old crossÂing guard, Kiara Lee, was arrestÂed for supÂplyÂing drugs to midÂdle school students.
Lee, employed at Penn Wood MidÂdle School, allegedÂly disÂtribÂuted marÂiÂjuaÂna, ediÂbles, and vapÂing prodÂucts to at least two students.
The arrest came after a stuÂdent braveÂly reportÂed witÂnessÂing Leeâs actions. AddiÂtionÂalÂly, a guardian conÂfirmed their child had received vapes and marÂiÂjuaÂna ediÂbles from Lee.
âThis trustÂed indiÂvidÂual handÂed out conÂtrolled subÂstances,â statÂed DarÂby BorÂough Police Chief Joseph Gabe. âThereâs no debate â crossÂing guards shouldÂnât proÂvide drugs to our chilÂdren, regardÂless of the type.â
Lee faces seriÂous charges, includÂing felony drug disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion and misÂdeÂmeanor corÂrupÂtion of minors. Delaware CounÂty DisÂtrict AttorÂney Jack StollÂsteimer conÂdemned Leeâs actions, highÂlightÂing the breach of trust and harm to the community.
Lee is curÂrentÂly jailed with a $20,000 bail and awaits a preÂlimÂiÂnary hearÂing. This inciÂdent underÂscores the imporÂtance of thorÂough vetÂting for anyÂone workÂing with minors and conÂstant vigÂiÂlance for the safeÂty of our children.
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