Ricky Price Files Lawsuits Against Rock Hill City, Police
A Rock Hill man whose conÂtroÂverÂsial arrest in 2021 sparked three days of protests has filed two lawÂsuits against the city and its police department.
Ricky RodÂerÂick Price, the secÂond Price brothÂer to sue folÂlowÂing the June 23, 2021 inciÂdent, alleges that his fedÂerÂal civÂil rights were vioÂlatÂed durÂing a maliÂcious prosecution.
Price Alleges Malicious Prosecution, Civil Rights Violations
Ricky Priceâs fedÂerÂal suit, filed in U.S. DisÂtrict Court, names the city and police offiÂcers as defenÂdants. The South CarÂoliÂna suit, filed in York CounÂty civÂil court against the police departÂment, also claims maliÂcious prosÂeÂcuÂtion under state law.
Price Spent Four Months in Jail, Despite Charges Being Dropped
In the 2021 inciÂdent, Rock Hill police arrestÂed Ricky Price on drug and weapon charges after a trafÂfic stop. Although he was not conÂvictÂed of any crime, Price spent four months in jail folÂlowÂing the arrest.
York CounÂty prosÂeÂcuÂtors disÂmissed charges against him in late 2023.
Priceâs Lawyer Claims Unconstitutional Arrest, Police Escalation
Priceâs lawyer, Monier Abusaft of SparÂtanÂburg, argues that the arrest was unconÂstiÂtuÂtionÂal and that police escaÂlatÂed the inciÂdent when Price was tryÂing to comÂply. Abusaft claims that offiÂcers âattacked himâ and âactÂed beyond the pale.â
Viral Video of Arrest Sparked Protests
Video footage from the arrests shows police fightÂing with Ricky Price after an offiÂcer took his brothÂer, Travis Price, to the ground in a conÂveÂnience store parkÂing lot. Travis Price had gone to the lot to retrieve perÂsonÂal items from his brothÂer who was in custody.
Price Suffered Physical and Emotional Injuries
Ricky Price sufÂfered a broÂken nose and othÂer physÂiÂcal and emoÂtionÂal injuries durÂing the inciÂdent. The lawÂsuits also allege that police released a Kâ9 dog that attacked him.
Incident Came Amid National Calls for Police Accountability
The Price brothÂers are African-AmerÂiÂcan, and the inciÂdent occurred a year after George Floyd died in MinÂnesoÂta at the hands of police.
Protests across the counÂtry, includÂing in Rock Hill, demandÂed police accountÂabilÂiÂty, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly regardÂing interÂacÂtions with Black Americans.
Lawsuits Seek Monetary Damages
The lawÂsuits are seekÂing monÂeÂtary damÂages and comÂpenÂsaÂtion for pain and sufÂferÂing from alleged physÂiÂcal and emoÂtionÂal disÂtress and anguish.
The defenÂdants have sevÂerÂal weeks to respond to the lawÂsuits in court filÂings, and no triÂal dates have been set.
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