Second SC Man Whose 2021 Viral Video Arrest Led to Rock Hill Protests Sues City, Police

Second SC Man Whose 2021 Viral Video Arrest Led to Rock Hill Protests Sues City, Police
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Ricky Price Files Lawsuits Against Rock Hill City, Police

A Rock Hill man whose con­tro­ver­sial arrest in 2021 sparked three days of protests has filed two law­suits against the city and its police department. 

Ricky Rod­er­ick Price, the sec­ond Price broth­er to sue fol­low­ing the June 23, 2021 inci­dent, alleges that his fed­er­al civ­il rights were vio­lat­ed dur­ing a mali­cious prosecution. 

Price Alleges Malicious Prosecution, Civil Rights Violations

Ricky Price’s fed­er­al suit, filed in U.S. Dis­trict Court, names the city and police offi­cers as defen­dants. The South Car­oli­na suit, filed in York Coun­ty civ­il court against the police depart­ment, also claims mali­cious pros­e­cu­tion under state law.

Price Spent Four Months in Jail, Despite Charges Being Dropped

In the 2021 inci­dent, Rock Hill police arrest­ed Ricky Price on drug and weapon charges after a traf­fic stop. Although he was not con­vict­ed of any crime, Price spent four months in jail fol­low­ing the arrest.

York Coun­ty pros­e­cu­tors dis­missed charges against him in late 2023.

Price’s Lawyer Claims Unconstitutional Arrest, Police Escalation

Price’s lawyer, Monier Abusaft of Spar­tan­burg, argues that the arrest was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al and that police esca­lat­ed the inci­dent when Price was try­ing to com­ply. Abusaft claims that offi­cers “attacked him” and “act­ed beyond the pale.”

Viral Video of Arrest Sparked Protests

Video footage from the arrests shows police fight­ing with Ricky Price after an offi­cer took his broth­er, Travis Price, to the ground in a con­ve­nience store park­ing lot. Travis Price had gone to the lot to retrieve per­son­al items from his broth­er who was in custody.

Price Suffered Physical and Emotional Injuries

Ricky Price suf­fered a bro­ken nose and oth­er phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al injuries dur­ing the inci­dent. The law­suits also allege that police released a K‑9 dog that attacked him.

Incident Came Amid National Calls for Police Accountability

The Price broth­ers are African-Amer­i­can, and the inci­dent occurred a year after George Floyd died in Min­neso­ta at the hands of police. 

Protests across the coun­try, includ­ing in Rock Hill, demand­ed police account­abil­i­ty, par­tic­u­lar­ly regard­ing inter­ac­tions with Black Americans.

Lawsuits Seek Monetary Damages

The law­suits are seek­ing mon­e­tary dam­ages and com­pen­sa­tion for pain and suf­fer­ing from alleged phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al dis­tress and anguish.

The defen­dants have sev­er­al weeks to respond to the law­suits in court fil­ings, and no tri­al dates have been set.

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