Severed Hands in Bleached Crockpot Linked to Burned Remains

Severed Hands in Bleached Crockpot Linked to Burned Remains
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Severed Hands in Crockpot

In a dis­turb­ing turn of events, detec­tives exe­cut­ing a search war­rant in a Bronx apart­ment made a grue­some dis­cov­ery — two sev­ered human hands stuffed inside a crock­pot filled with bleach. 

Fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion revealed that a black bag in the apart­men­t’s freez­er like­ly con­tained addi­tion­al remains, includ­ing at least one leg.

Torched Remains in Shopping Cart

Inves­ti­ga­tors believe that ear­li­er on the same day, two indi­vid­u­als loaded more body parts into a shop­ping cart, trans­port­ed them via a Metro-North train, and then set the remains on fire in Yonkers, New York.

First respon­ders dis­cov­ered the life­less, burned body on the side­walk in the area of the Oak Street Bridge.

Ongoing Investigation

The Yonkers loca­tion was deter­mined to be a “dump site,” with the NYPD and the Bronx Dis­trict Attor­ney’s Office now lead­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion. The city med­ical exam­in­er’s office will offi­cial­ly deter­mine the vic­tim’s cause of death, and no arrests have been made at this time.

Suspicious Tenant

The 65-year-old build­ing super of the Bronx apart­ment build­ing where the sev­ered hands were found revealed that the ten­ant of the fourth-floor unit, where the grue­some dis­cov­ery was made, was “into drugs” and had been the sub­ject of pre­vi­ous complaints. 

Footage showed a man and woman enter­ing and leav­ing the apart­ment around mid­day on the day of the incident.

Unraveling the Tragic Scenario

This dis­turb­ing case high­lights the shock­ing nature of the crime scene uncov­ered in the Bronx, with sev­ered hands in a bleached crock­pot poten­tial­ly linked to the torched remains found in a shop­ping cart in Yonkers. 

As the inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues, author­i­ties work to uncov­er the full truth behind this gris­ly and trag­ic sequence of events.

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