Shocking Armed Robbery: Tourist Killed Outside Fashion Island Mall in Newport Beach

Shocking Armed Robbery: Tourist Killed Outside Fashion Island Mall in Newport Beach
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New­port Beach Mall Armed Rob­bery Leaves Tourist Dead

A hor­rif­ic armed rob­bery out­side an upscale mall in New­port Beach, Cal­i­for­nia, has left a 69-year-old tourist woman dead and her hus­band traumatized. 

The inci­dent, which unfold­ed on Tues­day after­noon near a Barnes & Noble store at Fash­ion Island, has shak­en the usu­al­ly safe community.

Rob­bery Turns Deadly

Reports indi­cate that the cou­ple was approached by two sus­pects around 3:30 PM. A strug­gle ensued, lead­ing to one sus­pect flee­ing on foot while fir­ing a handgun. 

The remain­ing sus­pect then struck the woman with a get­away car dri­ven by anoth­er accom­plice. The flee­ing sus­pects engaged in a high-speed chase with police, reach­ing speeds of 110 mph, before being appre­hend­ed in South Gate.

Com­mu­ni­ty in Shock

The vic­tim’s iden­ti­ty remains undis­closed. Her hus­band was unharmed, and thank­ful­ly, there were no oth­er report­ed injuries.

“It’s a shock,” said New­port Beach Police Sgt. Steve Oberon. “This does­n’t hap­pen here normally.”

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