NewÂport Beach Mall Armed RobÂbery Leaves Tourist Dead
A horÂrifÂic armed robÂbery outÂside an upscale mall in NewÂport Beach, CalÂiÂforÂnia, has left a 69-year-old tourist woman dead and her husÂband traumatized.
The inciÂdent, which unfoldÂed on TuesÂday afterÂnoon near a Barnes & Noble store at FashÂion Island, has shakÂen the usuÂalÂly safe community.
RobÂbery Turns Deadly
Reports indiÂcate that the couÂple was approached by two susÂpects around 3:30 PM. A strugÂgle ensued, leadÂing to one susÂpect fleeÂing on foot while firÂing a handgun.
The remainÂing susÂpect then struck the woman with a getÂaway car driÂven by anothÂer accomÂplice. The fleeÂing susÂpects engaged in a high-speed chase with police, reachÂing speeds of 110 mph, before being appreÂhendÂed in South Gate.
ComÂmuÂniÂty in Shock
The vicÂtimâs idenÂtiÂty remains undisÂclosed. Her husÂband was unharmed, and thankÂfulÂly, there were no othÂer reportÂed injuries.
âItâs a shock,â said NewÂport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Oberon. âThis doesÂnât hapÂpen here normally.â
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