Shocking Confession: 10-Year-Old Admits to Unsolved Murder (But Can’t Be Charged?)

Shocking Confession: 10-Year-Old Admits to Unsolved Murder (But Can't Be Charged?)
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Texas author­i­ties are reel­ing after a cold case mur­der took a bizarre turn. A 10-year-old boy con­fessed to killing a com­plete stranger in an RV park 2 years ago! Here’s the crazy story:

The Vic­tim: A Man Found Dead in His RV

Back in Jan­u­ary 2022, a man named Bran­don O’Quinn Ras­ber­ry van­ished from the Lazy J RV Park. When his boss noticed he was a no-show for days, alarm bells went off. The park own­er found Ras­ber­ry dead inside his RV, shot in the head.

Leads Run Cold… Until a Shock­ing Confession

Police chased dead ends for months, but this April, things got wild. A stu­dent threat­ened anoth­er kid on the school bus, claim­ing he’d kill before! This led to a shock­ing rev­e­la­tion – the stu­dent admit­ted to shoot­ing some­one two years prior!

The Shock­ing Sto­ry Behind the Murder

The boy con­fessed to vis­it­ing his grand­pa at the RV park when he saw a gun in the truck. He took it, some­how entered Ras­ber­ry’s RV (they nev­er met!), and shot him while he slept. He even fired anoth­er shot before leav­ing the scene!

Why Can’t He Be Charged? Texas Law Has a Twist

The inves­ti­ga­tion con­firmed the boy’s sto­ry. The gun matched the mur­der weapon, and his grand­pa pawned it lat­er. But here’s the shock­er: Texas law says kids can’t be charged with crimes before age 10. The boy was only sev­en at the time of the mur­der! So, he won’t face mur­der charges, but he is in deten­tion for the school bus threat.

This case is a chill­ing reminder of the unex­pect­ed in true crime. What do you think of this sit­u­a­tion? Let us know in the comments!

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