Shocking Confessions of a Transgender Killer

Shocking Confessions of a Transgender Killer
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Transgender Killer Pleads Guilty to Grisly Murders

A prop­er­ty man­ag­er from Okla­homa who began tran­si­tion­ing in prison had pre­vi­ous­ly decap­i­tat­ed a friend in his home state, it emerged today as he admit­ted the mur­der of a New York antiques dealer. 

Alex Ray Scott, 28, fled the Soon­er State in 2019 to escape alle­ga­tions of molest­ing a five-year-old, but not before dis­mem­ber­ing Robin Skoc­do­pole, 63, with a chainsaw.

Gruesome Murders Across Multiple States

The rev­e­la­tions came as Scott appeared heav­i­ly made-up at Man­hat­tan Supreme Court on Mon­day to admit killing Ken­neth Savin­s­ki, 64, with a dec­o­ra­tive plate, kitchen knife and “maybe a pen” in Jan­u­ary 2020. 

Scott also agreed to take the FBI to the last known loca­tion of Skoc­dopole’s miss­ing head, but no addi­tion­al remains were found.

Transition and Crimes in Prison

Scott came to the author­i­ties’ atten­tion in Jan­u­ary 2020 when he walked into a Man­hat­tan police sta­tion cov­ered in blood, and told offi­cers: “I think I may have killed some­one last night.” 

By then, police had already found the body of the ele­gant antiques deal­er in his Upper East Side apart­ment, with his throat cut and deep gash­es to his head.

Fleeing Charges and Committing More Crimes

Scott had been seen walk­ing out of the apart­ment build­ing, wear­ing Savin­ski’s black jack­et and count­ing mon­ey with notice­able hand injuries. 

The killer then alleged­ly used Savin­ski’s cred­it cards to pay for a hotel room in New Jer­sey, where he woke up the next day, cov­ered in blood and appar­ent­ly with lit­tle mem­o­ry of what had hap­pened the night before.

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