The son of alleged would-be Trump assasÂsin Ryan WesÂley Routh was arrestÂed TuesÂday mornÂing on child pornogÂraÂphy charges after the feds found hunÂdreds of sick images when they searched his phone folÂlowÂing his dadâs arrest.
Federal Investigation Uncovers Disturbing Findings
Oran Routh is accused in a North CarÂoliÂna fedÂerÂal court of receivÂing and posÂsessÂing child porn â a fact which the feds disÂcovÂered on Sept. 21 when they were searchÂing his GreensÂboro home in conÂnecÂtion to a sepÂaÂrate invesÂtiÂgaÂtion, accordÂing to a crimÂiÂnal complaint.
Alleged Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump
Oran is the son of Ryan Routh, who is accused of tryÂing to kill forÂmer PresÂiÂdent DonÂald Trump while he was golfÂing at his club in West Palm Beach, FloriÂda on Sept. 15.
Body cam footage released by the MarÂtin CounÂty SherÂiff shows the arrest of Ryan Routh on that date.
Premeditated Attack on Trump
Ryan WesÂley Routh is accused of tryÂing to kill forÂmer PresÂiÂdent DonÂald Trump over his views on RusÂsia and the Ukraine war, as well as othÂer forÂeign polÂiÂcy matÂters, accordÂing to fedÂerÂal prosecutors.
Routh allegedÂly sent a letÂter to a friend acknowlÂedgÂing his attemptÂed assassination.
Disturbing Discovery of Child Pornography
The feds searched Oranâs secÂond-floor rental unit, findÂing elecÂtronÂic devices includÂing a SamÂsung Galaxy Note 9 that conÂtained âhunÂdreds of child pornogÂraÂphy files,â the court papers claim. The videos show chilÂdren as young as 6 being sexÂuÂalÂly abused, accordÂing to the complaint.
Ongoing Criminal Investigation
It was not immeÂdiÂateÂly known who was repÂreÂsentÂing Oran in the crimÂiÂnal case. The invesÂtiÂgaÂtion into the disÂturbÂing alleÂgaÂtions is ongoing.
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