Suspect Arrested with Date Rape Drug After Woman’s Body Found Stuffed in Long Island Suitcase

Suspect Arrested with Date Rape Drug After Woman's Body Found Stuffed in Long Island Suitcase
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Gruesome Discovery of Woman’s Body

The decay­ing remains of Seikeya Jones, 31, were dis­cov­ered in a suit­case last week in a wood­ed area near Hunt­ing­ton Sta­tion on Long Island. Locals had report­ed a foul odor, lead­ing to the grim discovery.

Suspect Arrested and Charged

Ronald Schroed­er, 31, was arrest­ed at New York’s Penn Sta­tion on an out­stand­ing war­rant. He has been charged with con­ceal­ment of a human corpse in rela­tion to Jones’ death.

Suspect Found with Date Rape Drug

When Schroed­er was arrest­ed, author­i­ties say he was found to be in pos­ses­sion of date rape and oth­er ille­gal drugs. The dis­cov­ery of the drugs rais­es fur­ther ques­tions about the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing Jones’ death.

Victim’s Background and Family Response

Jones, who is sur­vived by a 4‑year-old son, was strug­gling with home­less­ness and men­tal health issues when she went missing. 

Her fam­i­ly has expressed out­rage over the man­ner in which her body was dis­cov­ered, with her sis­ter stat­ing that her men­tal health strug­gles “does not give any­body the right to put their hands on my sis­ter and put her in a suit­case and stuff her inside the bushes.”

Ongoing Investigation

Police are still inves­ti­gat­ing how long the suit­case was left in the woods before being dis­cov­ered, as well as the offi­cial cause of Jones’ death, which is pend­ing the results of an autopsy.

The case con­tin­ues to raise dis­turb­ing ques­tions that author­i­ties are work­ing to address.

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