“Alleged Stabbing Spree Suspect Claimed to be Model, Previously Attacked Father”

"Alleged Stabbing Spree Suspect Claimed to be Model, Previously Attacked Father"
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Jared Rav­iz­za, the 26-year-old sus­pect accused of a vio­lent stab­bing spree in Mass­a­chu­setts, had pre­vi­ous­ly claimed to be a mod­el, pro ski­er, and CEO of a mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny called Rav­iz­za Group.

Rav­iz­za alleged­ly stabbed four young girls, aged 9 to 17, at a Brain­tree movie the­ater, and two employ­ees at a McDon­ald’s in Ply­mouth, before lead­ing police on a chase that end­ed in a crash and his arrest on Saturday.

Accord­ing to reports, Rav­iz­za had boast­ed about his prowess as an “inter­na­tion­al ser­i­al entre­pre­neur and media mogul” in inter­views, describ­ing him­self as some­one with an “innate desire to bring out the best in oth­er humans in the most beau­ti­ful way.” 

How­ev­er, a web­site offer­ing his ser­vices as a media man­ag­er pro­vid­ed no tes­ti­mo­ni­als or proof of his work, focus­ing instead on glam­orous selfies.

In April, Rav­iz­za was also arrest­ed on Martha’s Vine­yard and charged with assault and bat­tery on a fam­i­ly or house­hold mem­ber and van­dal­ism, after alleged­ly attack­ing his father, Jason Rav­iz­za, a licensed men­tal health counselor. 

Accord­ing to a police report, Jason told offi­cers that his son “had just had a men­tal break and attacked him” inside his home, leav­ing him with marks on his face, thumb, and wrist.

Rav­iz­za was sent to the hos­pi­tal for a men­tal health eval­u­a­tion, but was not held, and the case was direct­ed to pre­tri­al diversion.

Neigh­bors of the Rav­iz­za fam­i­ly in Agawam, Mass­a­chu­setts, said Jared and his father had abrupt­ly left the fam­i­ly home about two years ago, leav­ing behind Jared’s moth­er, Kim.

In recent social media posts, Rav­iz­za had changed his appear­ance, wear­ing make­up and show­ing a more fem­i­nine look, and had changed his name to Jared Love Jones.

Rav­iz­za is also being inves­ti­gat­ed for a mur­der in Con­necti­cut, where a body was found in the town of Deep Riv­er on the same day as the stab­bing attacks in Massachusetts.

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