Suspected Serial Porch Pooper Eludes Police in Louisville

Suspected Serial Porch Pooper Eludes Police in Louisville
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Cops Hunt Vile Porch Pooper

Ken­tucky offi­cials are on the look­out for a man who has alleged­ly defe­cat­ed on his neigh­bor’s porch mul­ti­ple times over the past week.

The home­own­er has report­ed­ly lodged mul­ti­ple com­plaints about the alleged “porch poop­er” with the Louisville Metro Police after catch­ing him com­mit­ting the heinous act on his door­bell video.

Neighbor’s Disturbing Experiences

The vic­tim, who did not want to be iden­ti­fied, said he first noticed some­thing was amiss on August 27. “Tues­day morn­ing, I went out to my front porch and noticed what I thought was cat poop,” he told WAVE3.

As he cleaned it up and checked his Nest door­bell cam­era, he noticed that it was a man wear­ing socks, shorts, and a UofL T‑shirt rather than a feline.

“Not only did he defe­cate, but he also uri­nat­ed on our wel­come mat,” he added. On August 26 night, the accused had also sup­pos­ed­ly peered into the vic­tim’s house and run off with­out leav­ing any unwant­ed surprises.

Perp Remains at Large

The home­own­er claims that he has “no idea” why he is being tar­get­ed by his neigh­bor. “I have no idea, no idea. We’re good neigh­bors. We keep to our­selves, we behave our­selves. I can’t imag­ine any­one would want to do this kind of ret­ri­bu­tion,” he said.

The accused also vis­it­ed the vic­tim’s house on the night of August 27, strik­ing again for the third time. As the home­own­er received a noti­fi­ca­tion from his cam­era, he rushed to con­front the man but by the time he made it to the front door, the accused had run away.

Louisville Metro Police urged any­one with fur­ther infor­ma­tion to con­tact them as they con­tin­ue their search for the elu­sive “porch pooper.”

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