Suspected ‘Sugar Daddy’ Link in Brutal Murder of Texas College Student

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Victim Found Murdered in Apartment

Muna Pandey, a 21-year-old stu­dent in Hous­ton, Texas, was found shot dead in her apart­ment in what police are call­ing an “exe­cu­tion-style” mur­der. The vic­tim’s body was dis­cov­ered with mul­ti­ple gun­shot wounds, includ­ing one to the back of the head.

Suspect Arrested After Tips

A 51-year-old man named Bob­by Singh Shah was arrest­ed dur­ing a traf­fic stop and charged with Pandey’s mur­der. Police said they received sev­er­al tips after releas­ing sur­veil­lance footage of the sus­pect exit­ing Pandey’s apart­ment on the night of the killing.

Alleged ‘Sugar Daddy’ Connection

Court doc­u­ments reveal that a woman told police she rec­og­nized Shah as a man she had met through a “sug­ar dad­dy” web­site about 12 years ago. Pandey report­ed­ly had issues with a stalk­er in the past, lead­ing her to install a secu­ri­ty cam­era out­side her front door.

Possible Prior Relationship with Victim

Footage from the night of the mur­der alleged­ly shows the same man repeat­ed­ly telling Pandey to open her apart­ment door before forc­ing his way inside and lock­ing the door behind them. Police believe Pandey knew her attack­er, as there were no signs of forced entry or a robbery.

Efforts to Find Missing Cellphone

Inves­ti­ga­tors are also search­ing for Pandey’s miss­ing cell­phone, as her friends told police it did not reg­is­ter a loca­tion after the night of the mur­der. This sug­gests the killer may have tak­en the device.

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