“Teen Girl Fights for Life After Horrific Car Surfing Accident During Homecoming Celebrations”

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Homecoming Celebration Turns Tragic

Ava Broad­head, a 15-year-old stu­dent in Utah, was excit­ed­ly look­ing for­ward to her school’s home­com­ing dance when a ter­ri­ble acci­dent occurred. 

After the parade was can­celed due to poor air qual­i­ty, Ava and her friends decid­ed to engage in the risky behav­ior of “car surfing.”

Horrific Accident and Critical Injuries

While rid­ing on top of a mov­ing vehi­cle, Ava was thrown off and struck the pave­ment head-first. She sus­tained severe brain trau­ma and was rushed into emer­gency brain surgery. Ava is now in a med­ical­ly-induced coma, fight­ing for her life.

Raising Awareness of Dangerous Trends

Ava’s moth­er has been inun­dat­ed with mes­sages from oth­er par­ents whose chil­dren have been vic­tims of the same “car surf­ing” craze, which has been glam­or­ized in movies and on social media. She is deter­mined to raise aware­ness and pre­vent oth­er fam­i­lies from expe­ri­enc­ing this heartbreak.

Pleas for Prayers and Healing

Ava’s par­ents have asked for prayers and sup­port as their daugh­ter bat­tles to recov­er from the life-threat­en­ing injuries. They hope that by shar­ing their sto­ry, they can dis­cour­age oth­er young peo­ple from engag­ing in this dead­ly trend and poten­tial­ly save lives.

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