Teen Shot and Killed After Tennessee High School Graduation: Community Mourns Lily Basil

Teen Shot and Killed After Tennessee High School Graduation: Community Mourns Lily Basil
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Franklin, Ten­nessee (May 29, 2024): A recent grad­u­ate, Lily Basil (18), was shot and killed in Franklin, Ten­nessee, just a day after cel­e­brat­ing her high school grad­u­a­tion. This dev­as­tat­ing event has left the com­mu­ni­ty in shock and grief.

Tragedy Strikes After Graduation

On Sat­ur­day night, Basil was struck by a bul­let while with 18-year-old Matthew Roufail. Roufail, who grad­u­at­ed from near­by Raven­wood High School, has been charged with crim­i­nal homi­cide in Basil’s death.

Inves­ti­ga­tion Reveals Con­flict­ing Accounts

Roufail report­ed­ly admit­ted to shoot­ing Basil but claims it was unin­ten­tion­al and the gun, believed to be an AR-15 style rifle, was unloaded. How­ev­er, a wit­ness who attempt­ed to take Basil to the hos­pi­tal stat­ed see­ing Roufail shoot her with a .22 cal­iber rifle from the wit­ness’s car trunk.

Remem­ber­ing a Bright Light

Lily Basil grad­u­at­ed from Page High School on Fri­day. Prin­ci­pal Katie Hill described her as a “kind, sweet, and respect­ful” stu­dent with a smile that bright­ened every room. Sev­er­al memo­ri­als are planned, includ­ing a “Light the Night” event where the com­mu­ni­ty will shine lights in her memory.

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