Violent Incident at Subway Station
A 13-year-old girl was stabbed and woundÂed outÂside a subÂway staÂtion in BrookÂlyn on SunÂday night, and authorÂiÂties are searchÂing for a trio of teenage susÂpects in conÂnecÂtion with the incident.
The attack occurred near the Atlantic Avenue-BarÂclays CenÂter staÂtion in Prospect Heights around 7:45 p.m.
Victim Rushed to Hospital
The teen girl was stabbed in the abdomen and rushed to MaiÂmonides PediÂatric HosÂpiÂtal in staÂble conÂdiÂtion. No arrests have been made, but the NYPD is lookÂing for three male susÂpects between the ages of 16 and 18.
Ongoing Teen Violence Concerns
The stabÂbing comes amid a conÂcernÂing trend of teen vioÂlence in the city over the last sevÂerÂal months. The motive for the attack was not immeÂdiÂateÂly clear, but the inciÂdent has sparked furÂther conÂcerns about safeÂty and secuÂriÂty in the subÂway system.
Authorities Seeking Suspects
InvesÂtiÂgaÂtors are activeÂly searchÂing for the three teenage susÂpects involved in the stabÂbing. The NYPD has urged the pubÂlic to come forÂward with any inforÂmaÂtion that could help idenÂtiÂfy and locate the susÂpects responÂsiÂble for this vioÂlent incident.
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