A LutÂtrell, TenÂnessee man, 20-year-old Jonathon Jones, faces mulÂtiÂple charges after a car crash on June 21st tragÂiÂcalÂly claimed the lives of his pregÂnant wife, CasanÂdra (28), and their unborn child.
The TenÂnessee HighÂway Patrol (THP) alleges Jones caused the head-on colÂliÂsion by driÂving under the influÂence of marÂiÂjuaÂna (DUI) and crossÂing the cenÂter line on RacÂcoon ValÂley Road.
AccordÂing to court docÂuÂments, witÂnessÂes reportÂed Jones driÂving reckÂlessÂly and passÂing vehiÂcles on douÂble yelÂlow lines before the crash. When quesÂtioned by authorÂiÂties, Jones reportÂedÂly admitÂted to daiÂly marÂiÂjuaÂna use.
THP conÂtinÂues to invesÂtiÂgate the inciÂdent. Jones faces two counts of vehicÂuÂlar homiÂcide, aggraÂvatÂed assault, and impropÂer passing.
CasanÂdraâs obitÂuÂary describes her as a âbeauÂtiÂful girl loved by everyÂone.â She is surÂvived by her parÂents, brothÂer, and grandÂparÂents. The heartÂbreakÂing inciÂdent has ignitÂed calls for increased awareÂness and stricter enforceÂment against drugged driving.
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