Tennessee Man Charged in DUI Crash Killing Pregnant Wife and Unborn Child

Tennessee Man Charged in DUI Crash Killing Pregnant Wife and Unborn Child
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A Lut­trell, Ten­nessee man, 20-year-old Jonathon Jones, faces mul­ti­ple charges after a car crash on June 21st trag­i­cal­ly claimed the lives of his preg­nant wife, Casan­dra (28), and their unborn child. 

The Ten­nessee High­way Patrol (THP) alleges Jones caused the head-on col­li­sion by dri­ving under the influ­ence of mar­i­jua­na (DUI) and cross­ing the cen­ter line on Rac­coon Val­ley Road.

Accord­ing to court doc­u­ments, wit­ness­es report­ed Jones dri­ving reck­less­ly and pass­ing vehi­cles on dou­ble yel­low lines before the crash. When ques­tioned by author­i­ties, Jones report­ed­ly admit­ted to dai­ly mar­i­jua­na use.

THP con­tin­ues to inves­ti­gate the inci­dent. Jones faces two counts of vehic­u­lar homi­cide, aggra­vat­ed assault, and improp­er passing.

Casan­dra’s obit­u­ary describes her as a “beau­ti­ful girl loved by every­one.” She is sur­vived by her par­ents, broth­er, and grand­par­ents. The heart­break­ing inci­dent has ignit­ed calls for increased aware­ness and stricter enforce­ment against drugged driving.

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