Texas Driver’s Violent Rampage Caught on Camera

Texas Driver's Violent Rampage Caught on Camera
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Violent Rampage Unfolds

Scenes of a chaot­ic and vio­lent inci­dent that esca­lat­ed quick­ly Tues­day dur­ing Dal­las morn­ing rush-hour traf­fic have been caught on camera. 

Accord­ing to reports, a 26-year-old man, Angel Zamo­ra Moreno, from Plano, Texas, alleged­ly trig­gered a vio­lent ram­page on the LBJ Free­way, side­swip­ing sev­er­al cars, stab­bing a man, hijack­ing mul­ti­ple vehi­cles, and run­ning over motorists.

Witnesses Recount the Chaos

“I’ve had crazy moments in my life. Obvi­ous­ly, noth­ing like this,” wit­ness Johnathan McCain told local FOX 4. “This is gonna be some­thing we all remem­ber for the rest of our lives.” 

Accord­ing to an arrest war­rant affi­davit obtained by FOX 4, the series of events began when Moreno alleged­ly struck three cars and an 18-wheel­er in an inci­dent that dis­abled his car. 

When the motorists stopped to check on the dam­age, Moreno alleged­ly began attack­ing peo­ple with an 8‑inch fix-blade knife that he pulled out of his trunk.

Horrific Attacks and Carjackings

Moreno alleged­ly was seen jump­ing on one dri­ver’s wind­shield, caus­ing $500 in dam­age. Anoth­er dri­ver tried to inter­vene by arm­ing him­self with a met­al pipe. 

How­ev­er, he was lat­er stabbed in the side of his stom­ach and ear, police said, accord­ing to FOX 4. A near­by motorist was able to pick up the stabbed vic­tim in an effort to take him to the hos­pi­tal, but was chased by Moreno, who alleged­ly hijacked a near­by TxDOT truck.

Pedestrian Struck and Injured

Moreno then alleged­ly used the same truck to run over the TxDOT work­er, who sus­tained injuries to his leg, knee, and wrist, author­i­ties said.

“And once he was into the TxDOT truck, that’s when he came through and hit this side and then veered off. And that’s when he struck the TxDOT work­er him­self,” McCain told FOX 4.

Suspect Apprehended by Witnesses

When a med­ical pro­fes­sion­al near­by left her vehi­cle to tend to the injured TxDOT work­er, Moreno alleged­ly jumped into the unat­tend­ed car.

He then alleged­ly ran over the med­ical pro­fes­sion­al with her own car and dragged her across two lanes of traf­fic. McCain said Moreno tried to escape, but sev­er­al peo­ple were able to pin the 26-year-old down until police arrived.

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