“Texas High School Football Coach Arrested for Domestic Violence, Resigns from Position”

"Texas High School Football Coach Arrested for Domestic Violence, Resigns from Position"
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Texas High School Football Coach Faces Assault Charges

Michael Antho­ny Gon­za­les, the for­mer head foot­ball coach at Don­na High School in Texas, was arrest­ed on Sep­tem­ber 16 and charged with assault­ing a fam­i­ly mem­ber and imped­ing breathing.

The inci­dent, which occurred in Wes­la­co, has sent shock­waves through the local com­mu­ni­ty and led to Gon­za­les’ imme­di­ate res­ig­na­tion from his coach­ing position.

Altercation Details Emerge from Police Report

Accord­ing to court records, a Wes­la­co Police Depart­ment offi­cer encoun­tered Gon­za­les and his girl­friend out­side a Dol­lar Tree store around 3 a.m.

The cou­ple had been argu­ing over “ques­tion­able” texts dis­cov­ered on Gon­za­les’ phone. The sit­u­a­tion esca­lat­ed quick­ly, with Gon­za­les alleged­ly becom­ing violent.

The crim­i­nal com­plaint details a series of aggres­sive actions:

  • Push­ing and shov­ing the victim
  • Force­ful­ly hit­ting the vic­tim’s head against a car door
  • Repeat­ed­ly strik­ing the victim
  • Stran­gling the vic­tim mul­ti­ple times

Offi­cers not­ed that Gon­za­les appeared “high­ly intox­i­cat­ed” at the time of the inci­dent, exhibit­ing blood­shot eyes, slurred speech, and unsteady movement.

Immediate Consequences and Resignation

Fol­low­ing his arrest, Gon­za­les prompt­ly resigned from his posi­tion at Don­na High School. Dis­trict offi­cials con­firmed the res­ig­na­tion to local news out­let KVEO, stat­ing, “Dis­trict pol­i­cy pro­hibits us from releas­ing spe­cif­ic details regard­ing the indi­vid­ual involved. How­ev­er, we can con­firm that Mr. Gon­za­les ten­dered his res­ig­na­tion and it was prompt­ly accepted.”

Long-Term Relationship and Legal Implications

The vic­tim, who had been in a rela­tion­ship with Gon­za­les for sev­en years, pro­vid­ed this infor­ma­tion to the police. 

The long-term nature of their rela­tion­ship adds anoth­er lay­er of com­plex­i­ty to the case and may influ­ence legal proceedings.

Don­na, the loca­tion of the high school where Gon­za­les coached, is sit­u­at­ed approx­i­mate­ly 250 miles south of San Antonio. 

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