Lyft Driver Alleges Violent Assault
A Texas Lyft driÂver named Kehinde Ayoola has filed a lawÂsuit against Lyft and MemoÂrÂiÂal HerÂmann HosÂpiÂtal in HousÂton after a pasÂsenÂger allegedÂly attacked him by chokÂing him with his own seatbelt.
Ayoola, who had been a rideshare driÂver for sevÂen years, says the vioÂlent inciÂdent has left him fearÂful and unwillÂing to conÂtinÂue driÂving passengers.
Passenger Charged with Aggravated Assault
AccordÂing to Ayoola, the pasÂsenÂger, Ramiro VelÂla, was picked up from MemoÂrÂiÂal HerÂmann HosÂpiÂtal with the assisÂtance of hosÂpiÂtal staff.
Once in the vehiÂcle, VelÂla allegedÂly began actÂing strangeÂly, evenÂtuÂalÂly reachÂing over and wrapÂping Ayoolaâs seatÂbelt around his neck, chokÂing him. VelÂla was latÂer arrestÂed and charged with AggraÂvatÂed Assault in conÂnecÂtion with the attack.
Lasting Trauma for Lyft Driver
Ayoola says the trauÂmatÂic expeÂriÂence has had a proÂfound impact on his life, leavÂing him conÂstantÂly fearÂful and unable to conÂtinÂue his job as a rideshare driver.
He explained that even when his own grandÂson is in the car, he is overÂcome with fear, conÂstantÂly vigÂiÂlant for any potenÂtial threat.
Ayoolaâs attorÂney, OsayuÂki OgbeiÂdet, statÂed that the driÂver has sufÂfered âvery speÂcial damÂagesâ beyond just lost wages and medÂical bills, with his âwhole life turned upside down.â
Lawsuit Alleges Negligence by Lyft and Hospital
In the lawÂsuit, Ayoola alleges that Lyft and MemoÂrÂiÂal HerÂmann HosÂpiÂtal were negÂliÂgent in their hanÂdling of the situation.
He claims he expressed conÂcerns about the pasÂsenÂgerâs conÂdiÂtion to hosÂpiÂtal staff, who assured him the pasÂsenÂger was âokay.â OgbeiÂdet argued that Ayoola was an âinnoÂcent, hardÂworkÂing manâ who was simÂply tryÂing to comÂplete a ride ordered and superÂvised by the hospital.
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