Texas Resident Wins Massive $800M Mega Millions Jackpot

Texas Resident Wins Massive $800M Mega Millions Jackpot
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Record-Breaking Mega Millions Jackpot Won in Texas

A Mega Mil­lions tick­ethold­er has won Tues­day’s $800 mil­lion jack­pot at a gas sta­tion out­side of Hous­ton, Texas. 

This is the third-largest prize in the game’s his­to­ry and breaks a streak of over 20 draw­ings with­out a jack­pot winner.

Winning Ticket Sold at Texas Gas Station

The win­ning tick­et was pur­chased at the Mur­phy USA 8848 gas sta­tion on High­way 90A in Sug­ar Land, Texas. 

The busi­ness, which will receive $1 mil­lion for sell­ing the jack­pot-win­ning tick­et, is locat­ed near the home ball­park of the Sug­ar Land Space Cow­boys, the Triple‑A affil­i­ate of the Hous­ton Astros.

Odds of Winning the Mega Millions Jackpot

The odds of win­ning the Mega Mil­lions jack­pot are an astro­nom­i­cal 1 in 302,575,350. This was the 15th time a jack­pot-win­ning Mega Mil­lions tick­et was sold in Texas, and the first since Octo­ber 2023.

Payout Options for the Winner

The lucky win­ner can choose to claim the $800 mil­lion prize in annu­al pay­outs or take the one-time cash pay­out of $404.2 mil­lion. Prize win­ners in Texas who win more than $1 mil­lion can choose to remain anonymous.

Other Major Mega Millions Prizes in 2024

This is the third time the Mega Mil­lions grand prize has been won in 2024, fol­low­ing a $1.13 bil­lion prize in March and a $552 mil­lion prize in June. 

The largest Mega Mil­lions jack­pot ever won was worth $1.62 bil­lion, sold in Flori­da in August 2023.

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