#FenÂtanyÂlAwareÂness #ProÂtecÂtOurKids #ChildOverÂdosePreÂvenÂtion #NaloxÂone
Singing princess NevaeÂhâs life was tragÂiÂcalÂly cut short. The 2âyear-old TexÂan loved beltÂing out tunes, but fenÂtanyl poiÂsonÂing silenced her beauÂtiÂful voice. Her heartÂbroÂken mom, Stephanie WalÂlace, wants to turn this nightÂmare into a wake-up call for all parents.
NevaeÂhâs death was preÂventable. VisÂitÂing her dad, she mysÂteÂriÂousÂly fell unconÂscious. Instead of callÂing 911, preÂcious hours were wastÂed searchÂing YouTube for remeÂdies and tryÂing to get overÂdose reverÂsal meds delivÂered! One call could have saved her.
Police found fenÂtanyl pills withÂin reach, highÂlightÂing the danÂgers of unseÂcured medÂicaÂtions. Now, WalÂlace is on a misÂsion. Sheâs startÂing a non-profÂit to fight childÂhood fenÂtanyl overÂdosÂes caused by neglect. Her mesÂsage: ParÂents, be aware! Your vigÂiÂlance can save a life. #ProÂtecÂtOurKids #FenÂtanyÂlAwareÂness
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