Toddler’s Fentanyl Death: Mom Fights for Change

Toddler's Fentanyl Death: Mom Fights for Change
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#Fen­tany­lAware­ness #Pro­tec­tOurKids #ChildOver­dosePre­ven­tion #Nalox­one

Singing princess Nevae­h’s life was trag­i­cal­ly cut short. The 2‑year-old Tex­an loved belt­ing out tunes, but fen­tanyl poi­son­ing silenced her beau­ti­ful voice. Her heart­bro­ken mom, Stephanie Wal­lace, wants to turn this night­mare into a wake-up call for all parents.

Nevae­h’s death was pre­ventable. Vis­it­ing her dad, she mys­te­ri­ous­ly fell uncon­scious. Instead of call­ing 911, pre­cious hours were wast­ed search­ing YouTube for reme­dies and try­ing to get over­dose rever­sal meds deliv­ered! One call could have saved her.

Police found fen­tanyl pills with­in reach, high­light­ing the dan­gers of unse­cured med­ica­tions. Now, Wal­lace is on a mis­sion. She’s start­ing a non-prof­it to fight child­hood fen­tanyl over­dos­es caused by neglect. Her mes­sage: Par­ents, be aware! Your vig­i­lance can save a life. #Pro­tec­tOurKids #Fen­tany­lAware­ness

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