Tourist mauled by Bull Shark in Tobago! Here’s what we know 🇹🇹

Tourist mauled by Bull Shark in Tobago! Here's what we know 🇹🇹
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Shark Attack in Par­adise! A British tourist is fight­ing for his life after a bru­tal bull shark attack in Tobago.

Yikes! What Hap­pened? 64-year-old Peter Smith was enjoy­ing a swim near the Starfish Hotel in Cour­land Bay when the attack hap­pened just 10 meters from shore!

Close Call! Smith suf­fered seri­ous injuries to his arm, leg, and stom­ach. Luck­i­ly, he got rushed to the hos­pi­tal and is cur­rent­ly in inten­sive care.

How Big Was This Beast? Local offi­cials say the cul­prit was a MONSTER bull shark, esti­mat­ed to be 8–10 feet long and 2 feet wide!

Sta­ble but Seri­ous! While sedat­ed, Smith is appar­ent­ly respond­ing well to treat­ment and is list­ed as stable.

Trav­el Tip: Be Shark Smart! This scary inci­dent reminds us that dan­ger can be any­where, even in shal­low waters. Always research the area and be cau­tious while swim­ming in the ocean!

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