Shark Attack in Paradise! A British tourist is fighting for his life after a brutal bull shark attack in Tobago.
Yikes! What Happened? 64-year-old Peter Smith was enjoying a swim near the Starfish Hotel in Courland Bay when the attack happened just 10 meters from shore!
Close Call! Smith suffered serious injuries to his arm, leg, and stomach. Luckily, he got rushed to the hospital and is currently in intensive care.
How Big Was This Beast? Local officials say the culprit was a MONSTER bull shark, estimated to be 8–10 feet long and 2 feet wide!
Stable but Serious! While sedated, Smith is apparently responding well to treatment and is listed as stable.
Travel Tip: Be Shark Smart! This scary incident reminds us that danger can be anywhere, even in shallow waters. Always research the area and be cautious while swimming in the ocean!
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