Tragedy as Tunisian Beauty Influencer Farah El Kadhi Dies Aged 36 After ‘Heart Attack on a Yacht’ During Holiday in Malta

Tragedy as Tunisian Beauty Influencer Farah El Kadhi Dies Aged 36 After 'Heart Attack on a Yacht' During Holiday in Malta
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Tunisian-born Farah El Kad­hi, a pop­u­lar beau­ty influ­encer with over 1.1 mil­lion Insta­gram fol­low­ers, has trag­i­cal­ly passed away at the young age of 36. 

El Kad­hi was on hol­i­day in Mal­ta when she suf­fered a sus­pect­ed heart attack while on a yacht on June 17th.

Accord­ing to reports, El Kad­hi was rushed to Mater Dei Hos­pi­tal in the har­bor town of Msi­da, but unfor­tu­nate­ly did not sur­vive. An autop­sy will be car­ried out, and a mag­is­te­r­i­al inquiry has been opened to con­firm the cause of death.

El Kad­hi, who was a trained archi­tect and worked for the com­pa­ny Key Con­cept, was known for her fash­ion brand Bazarby­faf and var­i­ous paid pro­mo­tions on her social media platform. 

Trib­utes have poured in for the “tru­ly won­der­ful per­son, known for her kind­ness, gen­eros­i­ty, and warmth,” as described by fel­low Tunisian influ­encer Soulay­ma Hneynia.

The untime­ly pass­ing of Farah El Kad­hi has left her fans and the influ­encer com­mu­ni­ty in mourning.

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