Tragedy Strikes Long Island Family: 5 Dead in Murder-Suicide

Tragedy Strikes Long Island Family: 5 Dead in Murder-Suicide
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The Horrific Incident

On a qui­et cul-de-sac in Nas­sau Coun­ty, a chill­ing mur­der-sui­cide unfold­ed on Sun­day. Just days after the fam­i­ly’s matri­arch passed away and plans were under­way to sell the house, a hor­rif­ic tragedy struck, leav­ing five peo­ple dead.

The Victims and the Gunman

The tiny blue home on Wyoming Court in Syos­set became a scene of unimag­in­able hor­ror. All five vic­tims were found fatal­ly shot inside the res­i­dence, while the gun­man, believed to be the son who lived there with his late moth­er, was dis­cov­ered deceased on the front lawn.

The Family’s Heartbreak

The home­own­er, There­sa Martha DeLu­cia, had recent­ly passed away at the age of 95. Her adult son, who resided in the house, was report­ed­ly dis­traught over the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the planned sale of the home.

The Real Estate Agent’s Perspective

A local real estate agent, Mary Macalu­so, shared her expe­ri­ence. She was sched­uled to meet with the fam­i­ly at the home around noon on the day of the inci­dent, but upon arrival, she found the street closed off by author­i­ties. The fam­i­ly had con­tact­ed her to assess the prop­er­ty in prepa­ra­tion for list­ing it for sale.

The Investigation’s Findings

Accord­ing to the Nas­sau Coun­ty Police Depart­ment com­mis­sion­er, author­i­ties believe the son who lived in the house was deeply trou­bled by the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the sale. This trag­ic event led him to com­mit the hor­rif­ic crime, tak­ing the lives of four fam­i­ly mem­bers before end­ing his own life.

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