Nurse Disappears After Wedding
MelisÂsa Jubane, a 32-year-old carÂdiac nurse at St. VinÂcent HosÂpiÂtal in SouthÂwest PortÂland, vanÂished just days after returnÂing from her wedÂding in Hawaii.
Jubane had raised conÂcerns when she failed to show up for her mornÂing shift on SepÂtemÂber 4th, promptÂing a welÂfare check at her apartment.
Extensive Investigation Leads to Arrest
After an extenÂsive invesÂtiÂgaÂtion, police deterÂmined that one of Jubaneâs neighÂbors, 27-year-old Bryce Johnathan SchuÂbert, was involved in her disÂapÂpearÂance. SchuÂbert was arrestÂed on FriÂday evening and charged with secÂond-degree murder.
Heartbreaking Outcome for Newlywed Couple
Jubane had marÂried her husÂband, Bryan Llantero, in HaleÊ»iÂwa, Oâahu on August 24th. The couÂple had datÂed for over a decade before getÂting engaged last year in Oahu.
They had recentÂly travÂeled to WashÂingÂton State to spend Labor Day with Jubaneâs famÂiÂly before she returned to her apartÂment in OreÂgon on SepÂtemÂber 2nd.
Community Mourns the Tragic Loss
Jubaneâs coworkÂers at ProvÂiÂdence St. VinÂcent HosÂpiÂtal expressed their grief and shock at the news of her death, describÂing her as an âexcepÂtionÂal nurseâ who will be deeply missed.
The BeaverÂton Police DepartÂment extendÂed their conÂdoÂlences to Jubaneâs famÂiÂly, friends, and colÂleagues, thankÂing the comÂmuÂniÂty for their assisÂtance in the search.
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