Tragic Death of Tech Tycoon’s Co-Defendant Days Before Shipwreck

Tragic Death of Tech Tycoon's Co-Defendant Days Before Shipwreck
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The co-defen­dant of miss­ing UK tech bil­lion­aire Mike Lynch has died in a trag­ic acci­dent, just days before Lynch’s own dis­ap­pear­ance at sea.

Chamberlain Struck by Car During Run

Stephen Cham­ber­lain, 52, was out for a run in Cam­bridgeshire, Eng­land, on Sat­ur­day when he was struck by a vehi­cle. He was rushed to a near­by hos­pi­tal but suc­cumbed to his injuries.

Cham­ber­lain and Lynch were co-defen­dants in a decade-long fraud case that arose after the $11 bil­lion sale of soft­ware com­pa­ny Auton­o­my to Hewlett-Packard. Both men were acquit­ted of all charges last June.

Tycoon Lynch Remains Missing After Yacht Capsized

Just days after Cham­ber­lain’s death, Lynch and his fam­i­ly were involved in a trag­ic ship­wreck off the coast of Sicily. 

Lynch’s wife, Angela Bac­eres, was res­cued, but the British tech mag­nate, some­times referred to as “the Bill Gates of the UK,” and his 18-year-old daugh­ter, Han­nah, remain miss­ing along with four oth­er British nation­als and two Americans.

Shocking Coincidence of Timing

The coin­ci­dence of Cham­ber­lain’s sud­den death and Lynch’s dis­ap­pear­ance at sea has added to the mys­tery and tragedy sur­round­ing the high-pro­file tech case. As the search for the miss­ing pas­sen­gers con­tin­ues, the fate of both men has left many ques­tions unanswered.

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