Tragic Disappearance of NYC Lawyer Christopher Morvillo and Wife on Doomed Luxury Yacht

Tragic Disappearance of NYC Lawyer Christopher Morvillo and Wife on Doomed Luxury Yacht
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A promi­nent New York City lawyer, Christo­pher Morvil­lo, has been miss­ing since the lux­u­ry yacht he was on cap­sized and sank off the coast of Italy. 

Morvil­lo, a part­ner at a pres­ti­gious law firm, had shared a haunt­ing final social media post before his dis­ap­pear­ance, thank­ing his fam­i­ly and speak­ing of liv­ing “hap­pi­ly ever after.”

Morvillo’s Final Social Media Post

In his penul­ti­mate LinkedIn post before the tragedy, Morvil­lo expressed grat­i­tude to the legal team that had helped him and his client, British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, win a high-pro­file fraud tri­al. At the end of the post, Morvil­lo wrote:

“And, final­ly, a huge thank you to my patient and incred­i­ble wife, Neda Morvil­lo, and my two strong, bril­liant, and beau­ti­ful daugh­ters, Sab­ri­na Morvil­lo and Sophia Morvillo.

None of this would have been pos­si­ble with­out your love and sup­port. I am so glad to be home. And they all lived hap­pi­ly ever after….”

The Sinking of the Bayesian Yacht

Morvil­lo and his wife Neda, a jew­el­ry design­er, were among the six pas­sen­gers still miss­ing after the 160-foot lux­u­ry sail­boat, the Bayesian, sank off the port of Por­ti­cel­lo on Monday.

The yacht was car­ry­ing 22 peo­ple when it was struck by a vio­lent storm, caus­ing it to cap­size and sink in about 164 feet of water.

Fif­teen of the ship’s pas­sen­gers and crew have sur­vived the inci­dent, includ­ing a moth­er who was hold­ing her 1‑year-old daugh­ter above her head to keep her from drown­ing. One body has been recov­ered and iden­ti­fied as the on-board chef.

The Search Continues

Police divers have resumed the search for the miss­ing pas­sen­gers, includ­ing the Morvil­los, but the recov­ery efforts have been slow due to the depth of the wreckage. 

Offi­cials have said the six peo­ple unac­count­ed for will be referred to as “miss­ing” until they are locat­ed in the wreckage.

In addi­tion to the Morvil­los, the miss­ing pas­sen­gers include Lynch’s 18-year-old daugh­ter, Han­nah, as well as Jonathan Bloomer, a chair­man at Mor­gan Stan­ley Inter­na­tion­al, and Bloomer’s wife, Judy.

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