Tragic Fire Kills Two in Popular Madrid Italian Restaurant

A trag­ic acci­dent occurred Fri­day night when a wait­er acci­den­tal­ly start­ed a fire in a pop­u­lar Ital­ian restau­rant in Madrid, result­ing in at least two deaths and 10 injuries.

The fire broke out at the Bur­ro Canaglia restau­rant near the entrance, trap­ping many din­ers and staff inside. Accord­ing to local news­pa­per El País, the fast-spread­ing flames were caused by a waiter’s botched flam­bé tech­nique, ignit­ing a plas­tic plant in the process. Before fire­fight­ers arrived and extin­guished the blaze with­in 10 min­utes, the “very vio­lent” fire had already pro­duced “a lot of smoke,” said Madrid may­or José Luis Martinez-Almeida.

Two peo­ple were killed in the fire, includ­ing one restau­rant employ­ee, and at least 10 were injured, with 5 crit­i­cal­ly injured and 1 in crit­i­cal con­di­tion. The may­or warned that there would like­ly have been more casu­al­ties if the fire­fight­ers’ response was delayed. An inves­ti­ga­tion is cur­rent­ly under­way to deter­mine the exact cause of the dead­ly fire.

Flam­bé refers to the cook­ing tech­nique where alco­hol is added to a hot pan to cre­ate bursts of flames for dra­mat­ic effect. When done improp­er­ly, this tech­nique can prove haz­ardous and lead to unin­tend­ed fires. The Bur­ro Canaglia, which trans­lates to “naughty don­key” in Ital­ian, is a pop­u­lar Ital­ian eatery locat­ed in the cen­ter of Madrid. Friday’s trag­ic events have stunned the local com­mu­ni­ty and brought the dan­gers of the flam­bé tech­nique into spotlight.

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