In a shocking turn of events, a wealthy New York businessman, Gary Johnson, lost his life in a helicopter crash on July 27, 2024.
The 65-year-old from Carthage was at the controls of his private Schweizer 269C helicopter when disaster struck just 15 minutes into his flight.
The Shocking Cause of the Crash
Investigators have revealed the surprising reason behind the aircraft malfunction that led to the crash.
A nest of mud dauber wasps had built their home inside the helicopter’s gas tank vent tube, causing a blockage that led to the engine “sputtering” and the chopper plummeting from the sky.
The National Transportation Safety Board’s report, released on August 2, stated that while the fuel tank contained 11 gallons of fuel, it “flowed sporadically…consistent with a lack of venting.”
Further examination of the vent tube revealed the presence of a mud dauber nest, which was confirmed to be the culprit behind the tragic incident.
The Tragic Aftermath
The helicopter crashed into a marsh from a height of 50 feet, leaving Johnson with serious injuries. He was rushed to Carthage Area Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.
The crash occurred behind a commercial property he was developing, about 70 miles northeast of Syracuse.
Johnson, a prominent local figure, owned and operated a gas station and auto-repair shop in Carthage since 1976.
He also owned several rental properties and was in the midst of remodeling the Sahara Restaurant in Wilna with his daughter. His sudden passing has left a void in the community he had served for decades.
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