Tragic Shooting Leaves 57-Year-Old Woman Dead Inside Manhattan Condo Building

Tragic Shooting Leaves 57-Year-Old Woman Dead Inside Manhattan Condo Building
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Deadly Shooting Incident

A 57-year-old woman was killed when she was shot in the face inside a low­er Man­hat­tan con­do build­ing on Mon­day night.

The inci­dent occurred just after 11 p.m. in the eighth-floor hall­way of the Two Bridges build­ing locat­ed at 44 Mar­ket Street.

Accord­ing to the police, the woman was found dead at the scene. Two sus­pects report­ed­ly fled the build­ing fol­low­ing the fatal shoot­ing, and they remained at large as of ear­ly Tues­day morning.

The Victim and Crime Scene

The iden­ti­ty of the vic­tim has not been released by the NYPD as author­i­ties work to noti­fy her fam­i­ly mem­bers. The 12-sto­ry Two Bridges build­ing where the shoot­ing took place has 16 con­do units with fea­tures like bal­conies and views of the Man­hat­tan Bridge.

In addi­tion to the res­i­den­tial units, the build­ing also hous­es a preschool and com­mer­cial spaces on the ground lev­el. A two-bed­room, two-bath­room unit with three bal­conies in the build­ing is cur­rent­ly list­ed for sale at $1.38 million.

Ongoing Investigation

The inves­ti­ga­tion into this trag­ic inci­dent is still ongo­ing, and the police are work­ing to deter­mine the motive and iden­ti­fy the two sus­pects who fled the scene. 

The shoot­ing has undoubt­ed­ly sent shock­waves through the local com­mu­ni­ty, as a vio­lent crime of this nature is rare in the typ­i­cal­ly safe low­er Man­hat­tan neighborhood.

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