Deadly Shooting Incident
A 57-year-old woman was killed when she was shot in the face inside a lowÂer ManÂhatÂtan conÂdo buildÂing on MonÂday night.
The inciÂdent occurred just after 11 p.m. in the eighth-floor hallÂway of the Two Bridges buildÂing locatÂed at 44 MarÂket Street.
AccordÂing to the police, the woman was found dead at the scene. Two susÂpects reportÂedÂly fled the buildÂing folÂlowÂing the fatal shootÂing, and they remained at large as of earÂly TuesÂday morning.
The Victim and Crime Scene
The idenÂtiÂty of the vicÂtim has not been released by the NYPD as authorÂiÂties work to notiÂfy her famÂiÂly memÂbers. The 12-stoÂry Two Bridges buildÂing where the shootÂing took place has 16 conÂdo units with feaÂtures like balÂconies and views of the ManÂhatÂtan Bridge.
In addiÂtion to the resÂiÂdenÂtial units, the buildÂing also housÂes a preschool and comÂmerÂcial spaces on the ground levÂel. A two-bedÂroom, two-bathÂroom unit with three balÂconies in the buildÂing is curÂrentÂly listÂed for sale at $1.38 million.
Ongoing Investigation
The invesÂtiÂgaÂtion into this tragÂic inciÂdent is still ongoÂing, and the police are workÂing to deterÂmine the motive and idenÂtiÂfy the two susÂpects who fled the scene.
The shootÂing has undoubtÂedÂly sent shockÂwaves through the local comÂmuÂniÂty, as a vioÂlent crime of this nature is rare in the typÂiÂcalÂly safe lowÂer ManÂhatÂtan neighborhood.
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