Tragic Suicide Note Unveils Real Estate Mogul’s Financial Woes

Tragic Suicide Note Unveils Real Estate Mogul's Financial Woes
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The Downfall of a Real Estate Magnate

Real estate mogul Bran­don Miller took his own life at his $15.5 mil­lion Hamp­tons home, leav­ing behind a heart­break­ing sui­cide note that revealed the rea­sons behind his decision.

The 43-year-old had been strug­gling to main­tain the lav­ish lifestyle he and his wife, Can­dice, had enjoyed in the years lead­ing up to his death.

The Crumbling of a Lavish Lifestyle

Miller had already been forced to sell their TriBeCa town­house and was rent­ing a $47,000-per-month Upper East Side home in an attempt to keep up appearances. 

How­ev­er, at the time of his sui­cide, he is esti­mat­ed to have owed around $17 mil­lion and was being sued for over $221,000 for var­i­ous non-payments.

The Tragic Ending

In his sui­cide note, Miller explained that a last-minute make-or-break busi­ness deal had fall­en through, leav­ing him feel­ing he had no way out. 

He wait­ed until his wife and their two daugh­ters had left town for a weeks-long lux­u­ry vaca­tion before tak­ing his own life by inhal­ing exhaust fumes in the garage of their Hamp­tons home.

Can­dice Miller has since list­ed the Hamp­tons home for $15.495 mil­lion and is report­ed­ly relo­cat­ing to Mia­mi with her chil­dren ahead of the new school year.

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