Tragic Tale of Utah Mother Planning Her Own Funeral After Devastating Cancer Diagnosis

Tragic Tale of Utah Mother Planning Her Own Funeral After Devastating Cancer Diagnosis
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Mother of Two Faces Terminal Diagnosis

Eri­ka Diarte-Carr, a 33-year-old moth­er of two in Utah, is plan­ning her own funer­al after being diag­nosed with a high­ly aggres­sive form of small cell lung cancer. 

Diarte-Carr only went to the emer­gency room for what she believed was a shoul­der injury, but instead received the dev­as­tat­ing news that she has just three months to live.

Rapid Health Decline and Cushing’s Syndrome

After her ini­tial can­cer diag­no­sis in 2022, Diarte-Carr was lat­er diag­nosed with Cush­ing’s Syn­drome, which caused her to rapid­ly gain over 60 pounds and expe­ri­ence severe mus­cle and bone deterioration.

This led to a rapid decline in her health, ulti­mate­ly ren­der­ing her treat­ments ineffective.

Fundraising for Funeral and Children’s Future

Giv­en her lim­it­ed finan­cial resources and lack of life insur­ance, Diarte-Carr has launched a GoFundMe page to raise funds for her funer­al expens­es and to cre­ate a trust for her two young chil­dren, Ailiyah and Jere­mi­ah. The fundrais­er has already sur­passed $750,000 as the com­mu­ni­ty ral­lies to sup­port the family.

A Mother’s Heartbreaking Final Wishes

In the face of unimag­in­able adver­si­ty, Diarte-Carr is deter­mined to make the most of the time she has left with her chil­dren. Her focus is now on ensur­ing her fam­i­ly is tak­en care of after she is gone, a task made all the more dif­fi­cult by her ter­mi­nal diagnosis.

This trag­ic sto­ry serves as a stark reminder of the fragili­ty of life and the dev­as­tat­ing impact that can­cer can have, espe­cial­ly on young fam­i­lies. Diarte-Car­r’s dig­ni­ty and courage in the face of such a cru­el prog­no­sis is tru­ly inspi­ra­tional, as she works to pro­vide for her chil­dren in her final months.

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