Tram Crash at Universal Studios Sends 15 to the Hospital

Tram Crash at Universal Studios Sends 15 to the Hospital
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Ouch! A Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios tram tour took a turn for the worse on Sat­ur­day night, injur­ing 15 park­go­ers. Thank­ful­ly, it sounds like every­one’s gonna be okay — fire­fight­ers rushed the injured folks to near­by hos­pi­tals, and all their bumps and bruis­es are con­sid­ered minor.

Inves­ti­ga­tors are still fig­ur­ing out what hap­pened, but it seems the last tram car on the tour took a bad turn near the Juras­sic Park area and slammed into a guardrail. This caused the tram to tilt, and unfor­tu­nate­ly, some peo­ple fell out.

Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios is stay­ing tight-lipped about the details, but they have promised to find out what caused the crash and assured every­one they’re tak­ing care of the injured guests. (Good on them!)

Here’s the crazy part: This tram tour is about to cel­e­brate its 60th birth­day! It takes you behind the scenes of famous movies and gives you the inside scoop on Hol­ly­wood magic. 

While the tour changes based on what’s film­ing, you might see recre­ations of icon­ic scenes like the shark attack from Jaws. So cool! (Just maybe with a lit­tle less of a thrill next time, tram drivers!)

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