Trans School Shooter Audrey Hale’s Disturbing Writings Reveal Struggles with Gender Identity

Trans School Shooter Audrey Hale's Disturbing Writings Reveal Struggles with Gender Identity
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Audrey Hale, the trans­gen­der shoot­er who killed three adults and three chil­dren at a Chris­t­ian school in Ten­nessee last spring, detailed her “imag­i­nary penis” and gen­der iden­ti­ty strug­gles in a new­ly-revealed screed.

Hale, who had start­ed going by the name Aiden at the time of the shoot­ing, wrote exten­sive­ly about her frus­tra­tions with being raised as a girl, includ­ing fears of being “called a dyke or a f—-t” dur­ing high school. She described her gen­der dys­pho­ria as “tor­ture” and wrote that she “should not be in this body!”

In one entry, Hale wrote: “My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I’m a male.” She expressed a desire to have access to puber­ty block­ers as a child, lament­ing “I was in the 6th grade, puber­ty already hit me.”

Hale also detailed fan­tasies about hav­ing sex as a man, using a “stuffed boy doll” to act out her desires. How­ev­er, she con­demned her­self as a “per­vert” for becom­ing too pre­oc­cu­pied with these imag­i­nary scenarios.

The self-hat­ing writ­ings were penned just 16 days before Hale’s dead­ly attack on the Covenant School. In the weeks lead­ing up to the shoot­ing, Hale’s jour­nal entries showed grow­ing frus­tra­tion with LGBTQ+ pol­i­tics and a desire for “death.”

Hale’s men­tal state and access to weapons despite a his­to­ry of dis­turb­ing thoughts have raised ques­tions about the warn­ing signs that were missed pri­or to the tragedy. The fam­i­lies of the vic­tims have plead­ed with the courts not to release Hale’s exten­sive writ­ings, argu­ing the shoot­er “does­n’t get to speak from the grave.”

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