Trial Begins for Father Accused of Forcing Son to Run on Treadmill Until He Died

Trial Begins for Father Accused of Forcing Son to Run on Treadmill Until He Died
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Christo­pher Gre­gor, 32, is on tri­al for the first-degree mur­der and child endan­ger­ment of his 6‑year-old son, Corey Micciolo.

Pros­e­cu­tors allege that on April 2, 2021, Gre­gor forced Corey to run on a tread­mill at extreme­ly high speeds and high incline, even pick­ing him up and plac­ing him back on the machine after he fell sev­er­al times. Sur­veil­lance footage from Gre­gor’s home report­ed­ly shows this incident.

A few weeks lat­er on April 2nd, Corey began com­plain­ing of nau­sea and short­ness of breath at Gre­gor’s home. Gre­gor took Corey to the hos­pi­tal but he went into seizures upon arrival and died an hour later.

An autop­sy was ini­tial­ly unde­ter­mined on the cause of death. But in Sep­tem­ber 2021, after review­ing the case, foren­sic pathol­o­gist Dr. Thomas Andrew deter­mined the cause of death was blunt impact injury to the chest and abdomen, with lac­er­a­tions to the heart and liv­er. The man­ner of death was ruled a homicide.

Gre­gor’s defense attor­ney Mario Gal­luc­ci claims Corey died of a “rapid­ly spread­ing infec­tion” like pneu­mo­nia. But mul­ti­ple med­ical experts have refut­ed this claim. Pedi­atric infec­tious dis­ease expert Dr. Anat Fein­gold found no evi­dence of any pre-exist­ing infection.

The tri­al has seen emo­tion­al tes­ti­mo­ny from Corey’s moth­er Bre­an­na Mic­ci­o­lo, who says she report­ed Gre­gor over 100 times to child pro­tec­tive ser­vices with no action tak­en. Clos­ing argu­ments are set to begin this week in what is an incred­i­bly trag­ic case of alleged child abuse.

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