TWA Pilot Hailed As 9/11 Hero For Dodging 2 Hijacked Planes

TWA Pilot Hailed As 911 Hero For Dodging 2 Hijacked Planes_the TWA pilot pictured from television screenshot
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A TWA pilot is being remem­bered as an unsung 9/11 hero for nar­row­ly avoid­ing two hijacked planes head­ed to attack sites.

The lit­tle-known inci­dents occurred aboard TWA Flight 3 that morn­ing. The crew took “eva­sive action” twice to avert col­li­sions, a flight atten­dant recounted.

First, the pilot maneu­vered to dodge Unit­ed Flight 175, which struck the World Trade Cen­ter. Lat­er, he swerved away from Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania.

To pas­sen­gers, the quick-think­ing pilot saved many lives. But his actions went unrec­og­nized in the 9/11 Com­mis­sion Report.

After the South Tow­er was hit, atten­dants bar­ri­cad­ed the cock­pit to pre­vent a poten­tial hijack­ing. The pilot said he’d defend it with an axe.

The plane land­ed safe­ly in Ohio after ini­tial plans to reach Indi­anapo­lis. But the dra­ma continued.

Prox­im­i­ty alarms warned the pilot to steer clear of Flight 93, also hijacked. His skill­ful maneu­vers kept all on board TWA 3 out of har­m’s way.

The crew deserves acclaim for their val­or that har­row­ing day. While avoid­ing cat­a­stro­phe, they like­ly pre­vent­ed even greater tragedy.

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