A TWA pilot is being rememÂbered as an unsung 9/11 hero for narÂrowÂly avoidÂing two hijacked planes headÂed to attack sites.
The litÂtle-known inciÂdents occurred aboard TWA Flight 3 that mornÂing. The crew took âevaÂsive actionâ twice to avert colÂliÂsions, a flight attenÂdant recounted.
First, the pilot maneuÂvered to dodge UnitÂed Flight 175, which struck the World Trade CenÂter. LatÂer, he swerved away from Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania.
To pasÂsenÂgers, the quick-thinkÂing pilot saved many lives. But his actions went unrecÂogÂnized in the 9/11 ComÂmisÂsion Report.
After the South TowÂer was hit, attenÂdants barÂriÂcadÂed the cockÂpit to preÂvent a potenÂtial hijackÂing. The pilot said heâd defend it with an axe.
The plane landÂed safeÂly in Ohio after iniÂtial plans to reach IndiÂanapoÂlis. But the draÂma continued.
ProxÂimÂiÂty alarms warned the pilot to steer clear of Flight 93, also hijacked. His skillÂful maneuÂvers kept all on board TWA 3 out of harÂmâs way.
The crew deserves acclaim for their valÂor that harÂrowÂing day. While avoidÂing catÂaÂstroÂphe, they likeÂly preÂventÂed even greater tragedy.
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