Two Teens Charged in Murder of Beloved 17-Year-Old Girl in Beaufort Apartment Complex

Two Teens Charged in Murder of Beloved 17-Year-Old Girl in Beaufort Apartment Complex
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Arrests Made in Killing of 17-Year-Old Girl

Police have charged two teens in the killing of a 17-year-old girl out­side a Bur­ton apart­ment com­plex ear­li­er this month. More arrests are expect­ed as the inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues, accord­ing to the Beau­fort Coun­ty Sher­if­f’s Office.

Suspects Identified

Grays Hill res­i­dent Rashod Loren­zo Williams, 18, was charged Fri­day with mur­der, aggra­vat­ed breach of peace and a felony firearms offense. Jere­mi­ah War­ren, 18, of Beau­fort, was jailed Mon­day after­noon on the same three charges.

Victim Described as “Beloved” with Kind Heart

The two teens are charged in the mur­der of 17-year-old Ari’An­na Mul­li­gan, described in online trib­utes as a “beloved” young girl with a kind heart and “warm spirit.” 

She pre­vi­ous­ly attend­ed Whale Branch Col­lege Ear­ly High School but had just begun her senior year at Bridges Prepara­to­ry School.

Community Mourns Loss

A large crowd of staff and stu­dents at Bridges Prepara­to­ry School held a memo­r­i­al for the young girl out­side the school Mon­day evening, hold­ing pink bal­loons that were released into the sky after speech­es from fac­ul­ty, friends and family.

Ongoing Investigation

As of Tues­day after­noon, both sus­pects remained in cus­tody at the Beau­fort Coun­ty Deten­tion Cen­ter and had not appeared for bond hear­ings. Any­one with infor­ma­tion regard­ing the Sept. 15 shoot­ing is encour­aged to call lead inves­ti­ga­tor Mas­ter Sgt. Dun­can at 843–255-3418.

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