Arrests Made in Killing of 17-Year-Old Girl
Police have charged two teens in the killing of a 17-year-old girl outÂside a BurÂton apartÂment comÂplex earÂliÂer this month. More arrests are expectÂed as the invesÂtiÂgaÂtion conÂtinÂues, accordÂing to the BeauÂfort CounÂty SherÂifÂfâs Office.
Suspects Identified
Grays Hill resÂiÂdent Rashod LorenÂzo Williams, 18, was charged FriÂday with murÂder, aggraÂvatÂed breach of peace and a felony firearms offense. JereÂmiÂah WarÂren, 18, of BeauÂfort, was jailed MonÂday afterÂnoon on the same three charges.
Victim Described as âBelovedâ with Kind Heart
The two teens are charged in the murÂder of 17-year-old AriâAnÂna MulÂliÂgan, described in online tribÂutes as a âbelovedâ young girl with a kind heart and âwarm spirit.â
She preÂviÂousÂly attendÂed Whale Branch ColÂlege EarÂly High School but had just begun her senior year at Bridges PreparaÂtoÂry School.
Community Mourns Loss
A large crowd of staff and stuÂdents at Bridges PreparaÂtoÂry School held a memoÂrÂiÂal for the young girl outÂside the school MonÂday evening, holdÂing pink balÂloons that were released into the sky after speechÂes from facÂulÂty, friends and family.
Ongoing Investigation
As of TuesÂday afterÂnoon, both susÂpects remained in cusÂtody at the BeauÂfort CounÂty DetenÂtion CenÂter and had not appeared for bond hearÂings. AnyÂone with inforÂmaÂtion regardÂing the Sept. 15 shootÂing is encourÂaged to call lead invesÂtiÂgaÂtor MasÂter Sgt. DunÂcan at 843â255-3418.
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