UK Mom “Devastated” After Daughter Denied Passport Over ‘Game of Thrones’ Name

UK Mom "Devastated" After Daughter Denied Passport Over 'Game of Thrones' Name
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Passport Denied Due to Trademarked Name

A UK moth­er was left “absolute­ly dev­as­tat­ed” after her 6‑year-old daugh­ter’s pass­port appli­ca­tion was denied because she was named after a pop­u­lar “Game of Thrones” character.

Trademark Concerns Raised by Passport Office

The moth­er, Lucy, was informed by the Pass­port Office that her daugh­ter Khaleesi’s name is trade­marked by Warn­er Broth­ers, and she would need their approval to use it on the passport.

Legal Advice and Social Media Pressure Resolve Issue

After seek­ing legal advice, Lucy was able to pro­vide the Pass­port Office with infor­ma­tion con­firm­ing her daugh­ter was allowed to use the name. She believes the prob­lem was only solved because she com­plained about it on social media, prompt­ing the Pass­port Office to apol­o­gize and process the passport.

Cautionary Tale for Parents Choosing Unique Names

Lucy’s expe­ri­ence high­lights the poten­tial bureau­crat­ic obsta­cles fam­i­lies can face when choos­ing uncon­ven­tion­al or trade­marked names for their chil­dren. The sto­ry serves as a cau­tion­ary tale for par­ents con­sid­er­ing unique names that may run into legal or admin­is­tra­tive hurdles.

UniqueBabyNames #TrademarkedNames #PassportIssues

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