Unruly Passenger with Bloodied Head Causes Chaos on American Airlines Flight

Unruly Passenger with Bloodied Head Causes Chaos on American Airlines Flight
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An Amer­i­can Air­lines Pas­sen­ger with a Blood­ied Head Caus­es Chaos, Result­ing in Arrest

A trav­el­er and his wife were arrest­ed at a Flori­da air­port on Tues­day after refus­ing to deplane an Amer­i­can Air­lines flight bound for Las Vegas.

Passenger Boards with Bloody Head

Euge­nio Ernesto Her­nan­dez-Gar­nier, 27, board­ed the plane with a bloody head and a ban­dage that appeared to be falling off. Accord­ing to a live video streamed by his wife, Yus­ley­dis Blan­ca Loy­ola, on Tik­Tok, Her­nan­dez-Gar­nier had recent­ly under­gone a hair trans­plant surgery.

Crew Concerns and Requests to Deboard

Crew mem­bers ini­tial­ly asked Her­nan­dez-Gar­nier to clean the bloody area and replace his ban­dages, but he report­ed­ly said he did­n’t have any extras to do so. They then told him that he must deboard the plane because they were con­cerned about his med­ical con­di­tion and the poten­tial for con­t­a­m­i­na­tion inside the cabin.

Couple Refuses to Comply, Sparking Arrest

How­ev­er, Her­nan­dez-Gar­nier and his 32-year-old wife, Loy­ola, refused to com­ply with the crew’s request. Accord­ing to arrest records, Loy­ola report­ed­ly said if she and her hus­band could­n’t fly, “no else can either.”

The Amer­i­can Air­lines crew then called the police, who board­ed the plane and also asked the cou­ple to leave. When they again refused, the police placed them in hand­cuffs and forcibly removed them from the aircraft.

Passengers Cheer as Couple Escorted Off

A crowd of all the oth­er pas­sen­gers on the flight, who were also forced to deplane due to the health con­cerns, cheered and clapped as a teary Loy­ola filmed her­self and her hus­band walk­ing through the gate.

The hus­band and wife were first tak­en to the hos­pi­tal to be eval­u­at­ed for the bleed­ing before they were trans­port­ed to the Turn­er Guil­ford Knight Cor­rec­tion­al Cen­ter. They are fac­ing charges of tres­pass­ing after a warn­ing and resist­ing an offi­cer with­out violence.

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