Unveiling the Horror: 650 Schoolgirls Poisoned in Iran Investigation.

At least 650 school­girls have been poi­soned to death in Iran since Novem­ber. Many believe it was a delib­er­ate attempt to force schools to close.

No girls have died, but dozens are suf­fer­ing from symp­toms such as dif­fi­cul­ty breath­ing, nau­sea, dizzi­ness and fatigue.

“It has become clear that some peo­ple want all schools, espe­cial­ly girls’ schools, to close,” the deputy health min­is­ter said on Sunday.

But he lat­er said his remarks were misunderstood.

The attor­ney gen­er­al last week announced he was launch­ing a crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion, but said the infor­ma­tion he received only indi­cat­ed “the pos­si­bil­i­ty of crim­i­nal and pre­med­i­tat­ed conduct”.

Mean­while, pub­lic dis­sat­is­fac­tion con­tin­ues to grow.

The first poi­son­ing occurred on Novem­ber 30, when 18 girls from Nour Tech­ni­cal School in the reli­gious city of Qom were tak­en to hospital.

Since then, more than a dozen girls’ schools have been tar­get­ed in sur­round­ing provinces.

Accord­ing to reports, at least 194 girls were poi­soned last week at four schools in the city of Bol­jeld in the west­ern province of Lorestan.

The poi­soned girls report­ed smelling tan­ger­ines and rot­ten fish before becom­ing ill.

Ear­li­er this month, at least 100 peo­ple protest­ed out­side the gov­er­nor’s office in Kom.

“I have a duty to keep my daugh­ter safe. I have two daugh­ters,” one father exclaimed in a video shared wide­ly on social media. “My two daugh­ters… all I can do is keep them out of school.”

“This is war!” pro­claimed one woman. “They are doing this at Kom girls’ high school to keep us at home. We want to keep them at home.”

Some par­ents say their chil­dren were sick for weeks after the poisoning.

Anoth­er video from the hos­pi­tal shows a dazed teenage girl in her bed with her moth­er next to her.

“Dear Moth­ers, I am a moth­er and her daugh­ter is in a hos­pi­tal bed with her limbs crip­pled,” said the dis­traught moth­er. “I am a moth­er. Her daugh­ter is crip­pled in a hos­pi­tal bed. Please do not send her child to school.”

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