45,000 Workers Walk Off the Job
Some of the busiest ports in the US have been brought to a standÂstill as approxÂiÂmateÂly 45,000 port workÂers repÂreÂsentÂed by the InterÂnaÂtionÂal LongÂshoreÂmenâs AssoÂciÂaÂtion (ILA) have iniÂtiÂatÂed a strike.
The workÂers, whose conÂtracts expired at midÂnight, are demandÂing betÂter wages and workÂing conditions.
The Strikeâs Impact
The strike, which began at 12:01 AM ET on TuesÂday, is affectÂing 36 ports along the east and Gulf coasts. These ports typÂiÂcalÂly hanÂdle about half of the nationâs ocean shipÂping, and the disÂrupÂtion is expectÂed to have far-reachÂing conÂseÂquences for the US economy.
EconÂoÂmists have warned that a proÂlonged strike could lead to shortÂages of goods, highÂer prices, and sigÂnifÂiÂcant disÂrupÂtions to supÂply chains. The strike is also likeÂly to strain relaÂtions between the union and the US MarÂitime Alliance (USMX), which repÂreÂsents 40 ocean terÂmiÂnals and port operators.
Negotiations Break Down
Talks between the ILA and USMX have broÂken down, and the union has rejectÂed a last-ditch offer from operÂaÂtors. Both sides have accused the othÂer of refusÂing to negoÂtiÂate in good faith.
The ILA has argued that USMX has âlow-balledâ offers on wage raisÂes and accused it of vioÂlatÂing the preÂviÂous conÂtract by introÂducÂing automaÂtion at sevÂerÂal US ports. The union is seekÂing raisÂes of 77% over the six-year conÂtract, to a top rate of $69 an hour by 2030.
The Economic Cost
It is estiÂmatÂed that the strike will cost the econÂoÂmy as much as $5 bilÂlion a day. HowÂevÂer, the union has said that it will still hanÂdle milÂiÂtary carÂgo, and that pasÂsenÂger cruise ships will be unaffected.
White House Urges Resolution
The White House has been monÂiÂtorÂing the sitÂuÂaÂtion and has urged both sides to reach an agreeÂment. The AFL-CIO has also urged House RepubÂliÂcans against interÂferÂing by pushÂing to impose an injuncÂtion to block the strike.
The strike is the first by port workÂers on the US east coast since 1977, and it remains to be seen how long it will last.
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