Wife Catches Hubby Cheating, Fires Warning Shots

Wife Catches Hubby Cheating, Fires Warning Shots
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#Cheat­ingScan­dal #Rela­tion­ship­Dra­ma #TechCheat­ing #Wives­GoneWild

Texas woman Stephanie Areva­lo went full “Sin­gle Ladies” anthem this week after catch­ing her hus­band boo’d up with anoth­er woman.

Feel­ing major­ly betrayed, Areva­lo alleged­ly shot her hus­band (don’t wor­ry, not life-threat­en­ing injuries!), then called the cops herself!

Hold up, did she say “deserved it”? Yep, Areva­lo report­ed­ly was­n’t sor­ry one bit, telling offi­cers her cheat­ing hub­by had it com­ing. Spicy! ️

But wait, there’s more! Areva­lo also alleged­ly threat­ened the oth­er woman, prov­ing this scorned wife came pre­pared for a whole throw­down. Thank­ful­ly, things did­n’t esca­late further.

Social media detec­tives on the case? ️‍♀️ While Stephanie went the more, ahem, dra­mat­ic route, some eagle-eyed users are find­ing sneaky ways to catch cheaters. Like Megan McGee, who exposed her hub­by’s infi­deli­ty thanks to their fit­ness track­ers! Turns out, those dai­ly step goals can reveal more than you think.

So, will Areva­lo face the music? ⚖️ She’s been charged with aggra­vat­ed assault and is cur­rent­ly wait­ing for her court date. Mean­while, the inter­net is buzzing with mixed reac­tions. Was it a cry for help, or a revenge mis­sion gone wrong?

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