Woman, 19, Arrested for Inventing Fake Child to Help Find Friend’s Stolen Car

Woman, 19, Arrested for Inventing Fake Child to Help Find Friend's Stolen Car
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A 19-year-old Texas woman has been arrest­ed after she alleged­ly invent­ed a fic­ti­tious child to get police to search for her friend’s stolen car. 

Stacey Dashay Marie Smith called the police on Sun­day, claim­ing that her child was in a car that was stolen from the 14000 block of Las­so Rock Dri­ve in El Paso.

Accord­ing to the author­i­ties, the police received an ini­tial call about the vehi­cle theft, and Smith then placed a sec­ond call to 911, stat­ing that her child was miss­ing and that she believed the per­son who took her friend’s car had also tak­en the child. 

After an exten­sive search, the vehi­cle was found, but the child was not.

The inves­ti­ga­tion revealed that the child did not actu­al­ly exist, and Smith had hatched the plan to get the police to locate her friend’s vehi­cle quick­ly. She was charged on Sun­day for pro­vid­ing a false police report.

As of Tues­day after­noon, Smith was still being held at the El Paso Coun­ty Deten­tion Facil­i­ty with a $5,000 bond.

The El Paso Police Depart­men­t’s PIO, Adri­an Cis­neros, con­firmed with DailyMail.com that there was an “actu­al theft” of the car, but no child was miss­ing. The non-prof­it Crimes Against Per­sons Detec­tives were called in to assist in the investigation.

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