Woman Accused of Poisoning Husband with Eyedrops

Woman Accused of Poisoning Husband with Eyedrops
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Pleasantville, Iowa Woman Arrested for Alleged Poisoning

An Iowa woman from the tiny city that bears the same name as the 1998 film “Pleas­antville” is accused of poi­son­ing her hus­band with eye­drops at least twice last year, accord­ing to police.

Harmful Substances in Eyedrops Allegedly Used

Daisy Zan­t­jer, 39, was arrest­ed last Tues­day more than a year after she alleged­ly spiked her hub­by’s drinks with the over-the-counter prod­uct that con­tains ingre­di­ents includ­ing the “harm­ful” tetrahy­dro­zo­line hydrochlo­ride, accord­ing to court documents.

Eye­drops can include harm­ful sub­stances that cause sleepi­ness, low blood pres­sure and a dan­ger­ous­ly slow heart rate when ingested. 

Zan­t­jer is accused of admin­is­ter­ing these sub­stances to her hus­band on two sep­a­rate occa­sions in July 2023.

Husband Hospitalized, Suspect Charged

Her hus­band sur­vived the alleged poi­son­ings but was hos­pi­tal­ized after strug­gling to breathe after drink­ing the taint­ed beverages. 

Zan­t­jer was charged with a pair of counts each of admin­is­ter­ing harm­ful sub­stances and domes­tic abuse – injury or men­tal ill­ness. She is being held in the Mar­i­on Coun­ty Jail on a $12,000 cash/surety bond.

The cou­ple lives in Pleas­antville, Iowa, which is about 25 miles south­east of Des Moines and has a pop­u­la­tion of less than 2,000.

The city’s mot­to is, “The name says it all,” though this inci­dent paints a dif­fer­ent picture.

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